My book!

Hey! I just happened to be making a book, so please, rate so far? I’ll be posting more of it later on! This is just chapter 1 tho..

                    Chapter 1: Last days




The sounds could be heard as I walked down the stairs, my long, pink, fluffy blanket dragging behind me like a wedding dress. The kitchen lights shined down on the dinner table, making it shine, the broken light in the corner flickering on and off, shining down on the pebbled counter once in a while. I got down the stairs and walked to the water machine with a small cup in hand, the sound of my dogs breathing heavily as they sleep. I press the button after putting the cup against the machine. It sounds like a waterfall as the water pours into my cup. I take the cup off the machine and take a sip out of it, putting it on top of the water machine after I finish. I walk over to the changing room, my bare feet slightly sticking to the pebbled, modern floor. I shut the door behind me and started to change into my school uniform. After I finish, I walk out of the changing room in my blue polo and black skirt, unbuttoning the small buttons below the collar of the polo. I go to the bathroom and grab the hair brush, brushing through my long, slightly dark brown hair.

“We have to go, hurry up.” 

I heard my mom say. I nod and set the brush down, walking into the bathroom and picking up my pink, unicorn toothbrush from my unicorn phase, and my regular, nice toothpaste. I brush my teeth, the sounds of the toothbrush and tooth paste sliding across my teeth, water flowing into my mouth from my hands and bubbling around, collecting all the water, and finally the sounds of spitting the water into the sink. I wipe my mouth with the hand towel and turn off the orange-sh lights, grabbing my phone, and walking into the kitchen. 

“Do I get in the car?”

I asked my mom. 

“Yes, my coffee is almost done, wait for me there.” 

My mom replied. I walked to the front door and opened it, slamming my knee against the bottom of the door to open it, since the door was a bit broken. I walk to our black, dark jeep and get in the back, slamming my car door and setting my bag on the middle seat as I watched my older sister wrapped in her red, white rose covered blanket, trying to sleep again. My mom steps in the jeep a couple minutes later with her coffee, closing the door hard, yet also gently behind her. She puts her coffee in the cup holder and turns on the car, turning on the radio on station 104, the usual. She presses on the paddles and the car starts to go backwards, her hands on the wheel. She pulls out the driveway and we start to drive to school, me on my phone and my sister fast asleep. I texted my best friend and put my phone away a couple minutes later, staring out the window at the peaceful blue skies. Not too long later, we got to school and my sister woke up, getting out the jeep along with me, grabbing my backpack and closing my door. We walked from the parking lot to the school’s entrance and walked in, feeling the breeze of the indoors after the cold, rainy winds from last night. My sister’s class is right next to the entrance, so she walks in immediately with a goodbye to my mom. We walk a bit more into the hall and there’s my class, Ms.Solis. She was a social studies, and science teacher, a double teacher, and my home room teacher. I say goodbye to my mom and walk into her classroom, admiring all the cool things in her classroom, then sit at my seat. I started to talk to my best friend, Keren, who I texted not too long ago. I gave her my usual, huge hug and started to eat my breakfast next to her as we talked. I then turned to look at a guy, a very special guy, yet one I never knew was a whole lot of work. It was my crush, a tall, dark brown haired boy with Kathy pants and the schools polo, in addition the school’s thinnest jacket, hate to admit but never helped in the cold. I smiled at him and waved, him doing the same back. I looked back down at my breakfast and continued eating, till the announcement started. We did the pledge and sat back down, continuing our breakfast. After the annoying 15 minutes of listening to the principal, class started. We didn’t work, due to it being May 23rd, 2 days before the last day of the cheesy, full of drama, and annoying 4th grade. 

“I’m going to miss you guys!!”

Ms.solis exclaimed, even if she had already been saying that over and over for what seems like the last 700,000 years. 

“We’ll miss you too!”

Everyone exclaimed, knowing that we’d have to fake it so the teachers would think they were awesome. She smiled at us and we continued to have our own time, just talking. There wasn’t much for the day, but after school was heaven. After school, I went into my room and laid on the bed, minding my own business, that is till I got a message from my boyfriend.

“Hey I’m gonna take a break off messenger. I don’t like how I’m feeling. You mean so much to me, but I don’t think we should be boyfriend and girlfriend. I don’t want to lose our friendship but I know that if we keep being boyfriend and girlfriend it’s just gonna hurt us. I just feel really hurt and I don’t want to say or do anything to hurt our friend ship. I love you, I hope I’m doing the right thing to save our friendship.”

That’s exactly what the message said, of course some grammar corrections, because he spells horribly if I’m being honest. I was happy, really happy. I finally got to be free and like someone who wasn’t so dorky and overprotective, free at last! I replied, making sure my response was extra cheesy. I told most people about it, even him, my crush. The next day, a question caught me.

“So, do you miss Chris?”

My crush asked, referring to my now called ex.

“Nah. Never, he was a bitch.”

I replied immediately in a whisper, even if I was just exaggerating.

“Damn.. That’s harsh Ayishah, but alright, you go I guess.”

He replied back, laughing and slightly grinning

“Come on, it’s only the truth. He was too overprotective for me. Not my type, you know? I’m only in 4th grade anyway, I’ll be living till I’m a grandma.”

I reply, laughing a bit myself. He shakes his head in disbelief as he laughs, his eyes closed from how hard he’s laughing. We keep the day going like any normal last day of school, talking and just living our lives. 

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