bill kaulitz

OMG OMG BILL KAULITZ GOT A BOYFRIEND IM ACTUALLY SO HAPPY FOR HIM I ALMOST CRIED WHEN I FOUND OUT EEEEEKKK!!!! ofc i still want to date bill but im literally 12 and hes 34 so thats obviously not gonna happen. i keep seeing people hating on his new boyfriend and it honestly makes me so mad. "bills mine" and "he better back off my pookie wookie dookie shmookie bear" like bffr. bill is happy and if you dont like that, then your not a real fan of Tokio Hotel. hes not gonna break up with him to get with some 10 yr old he doesnt even know like cmon, grow the f up.

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ste !!

ste !! 's profile picture

he doesnt have a bf, its for a netflix serie or film but they arent a couple! ^_^

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same!! but then i investigate :33

by ste !!; ; Report

aww poor

by ste !!; ; Report