Does anyone else absolutely HATE the Kardashians? 

haha, i know most people don't love them, but a lot of people actually do.

I was on TikTok and there was a whole video explaining how these women are 

so "Strong" and "Fearless" XD

They're rich women who don't contribute to anything.

Like I'm going to go through all of them talking about what I think makes them 

so corny. Why their problems are stupid and why absolutely nobody should worship these idiots.

Okay lets start with the most annoying one..


she's pretty I give her that, but she is such an asshole.

She starts fights over petty shit, and is almost ALWAYS competing with her sisters.. 

Kim nitpicks everyone in her life like she hasn't made mistakes.


-everyone knows them because Robert was in the OJ trial, Kris & Robert had ties to that trail and relationships with OJ and Nicole so it was like a whirlwind media frenzy at the time, plus with Kris being beside Rob & with Bruce Jenner who at the time was most known for his Olympic careers rather than his dressing habits. Kris & Rob was a topic people were actually talking about, anyways my point is, that's how people knew of the Kardashians...and its an important fact because Kim's little sex tape wouldn't of mattered, even if it was Reggie because at that time everyone had a sex tape, it wasn't a shameful thing it was more of a trend. Like her bestie at the time  IT GIRL PARIS HILTON even had a sex tape and people were like "meh" I mean everyone watched it but nobody really cared. But Kim thinks everyone knows her family because of that tape, like it was so scandalous that SHE, KIM KARDASHIAN (who nobody knew at the time) was caught with a sex tape. IDK maybe im just sour milk because she kept throwing it in her families face like they owe her something over the course of 15 years lol. She irks me so much.


- okay maybe he was going down hill with his mental issues but she helped contribute to his downfall. Every man she has been with talks about her mentality and how she's such an airhead and thinks life revolves around her. Not one man she had a relationship with has cared to vouch for her as a person. They all have the same story coming out of relationships with that women.

I could go on & on about Kim, but i need to move on now lol

Next up, 


Also another very beautiful women. BUT she used to be fawking hawt.

She never used to care, like legit her mentality was just "kay" and she would smile and then go on with her life, like she never argued with anyone, was so carefree and funny.

She was tanned, with a pretty smile, long hair, petite figure and narrowing eyes.

I do blame her family and Scott for breaking her down though. I don't hate the girl but i am disappointed she got robbed of her potential instead of being the bad bitch she used to be.

She also has no personality anymore, she was so funny. like i swear she was funny, but now it's all monotone prepared speeche & she's super emotional which i get, she has a lot going on and her family is needy and mean but damn girl smack kim around, don't be letting her bully you. You used to be the one making her cry and shit. now you out here doing nothing.

glad she left scott though, but mad her family keeps him around and won't let her have a new family without his toxic ass crying to be invited to every family event. Yeah yeah yeah his parents passed away but like he's grown, and he was so horrible to her. He doesn't deserve to stay imo.


She's a pick me. Like it's so cringy.

-shes obsessed with compliments and its ruined her. She won't leave her baby daddy alone after all he has done to her because everytime she goes back to him everyone in her little group praises her with "You're so strong" "I could never have the strenth you have" "blah blah blah" and the internet is like... girl leave that fool. But she thinks people are proud of her for doing that. & she keeps doing things she thinks makes her "strong" like not voicing her concerns, not holding fair boundaries, and not leaving toxic people, because she loves the attention it gives her when everyone has to tell her not to. she has even adopted the "I'm so strong because i know I shouldn't..." attitude which proves she knows its not right.

She got skinny and now that is all she cares about.

-She was NEVER fat, I want to make that very clear. She was considered "heavy" in HOLLYWOOD & at the time anorexia and coke was the biggest influences. Her face was round, and her nose was huge, but she was never fat. but now that she is super skinny, she looks so ugly on her. She just needed a nose job thats it, her new look makes her look old. her hands look thin and wrinkly, idk how to describe her body and face how it doesn't match her, but my best way of saying it is she reminds me of Cruella from the animated version of 101 Dalmatians.


-she claimed she wasn't kris's daughter for years, & when kris said we could do a DNA test if you don't believe me, SHE CRIED and said "NO ROB is my dad, hes always been my dad" and she said Kris was her mother but she's just "not sure" Like Kris was so over it. If you want you test take the test because your being an asshole to your mom claiming she's having affairs but saying no my DAD is my DAD, but you might not be my mom... like that don't make no sense. BUT it was another reason for her to cry around,,, so makes sense.

-"My brothers mother" girl just say her name. YES she sued ya'll but get over it, you can get over Mr.Thompson cheating on you're ass im sure you can be grown for this one too. AND CHYNA (don't know her real name) HAS changed, she was never a fit mother before but she's putting in the work and growing out of being toxic and hood and now is working her way into motherhood, but Khloe is acting like she is mom to Robs daughter, like no one else is going to step up so she has to. She's so weird to me, because her issue is with Chyna, but that doesn't mean Chyna isn't a good mom.. I just hate how Khloe doesn't see how humiliating her tired old "I'm strong for everyone" mentality is. NOBODY NEEDS YOU THAT BAD.

I gotta move on, her too I can talk about all day ahaha.


I miss him lol

- He was the ONLY one who would piss Kim off by just being in the room. 

She would be so delusional and say something like "OMG I COULD NEVER DATE A TALL GUY"

and he would just say something like "then don't, nobody asked" and she would start yelling at him "YOU ARE SO RUDE" "NO WONDER NOBODY LOVES YOU" like she would just go off and he wouldn't even know why she was so mad. LMAO But he was real, he would tell her when she was being spoiled and that she didn't appreciate anything given to her. Like Rob was the only one who could get under her skin and all she could do was yell at him, get Kris involved, then both Kim and Kris would tell him he needs to stop and then Kim would storm off crying. Like it was awesome. The effect he had on her was something I will forever cherish.

He was super weird to his sisters

-Im sure a lot of you know he was touchy feely with Khloe a lot, and Kourt.. not kim though, I don't think he liked her very much, but with khloe he would talk about porn a lot and hold her in weird ways, same with Kourt but she was more like "kay you're being weird Im out" but Khloe liked it... its weird. 

He got FAT

-used to be hella hot, like he could of been a model or something aspiring but yeah we all seen where that went..

Im not going to do the Jenners because this ain't about them haha, but if someone asks I will. 

I also didn't know if i should of added Kris in this, or if she's a Jenner... I mean she is both but i was like idk.

Sorry for ranting haha but thanks for reading i guess.

0 Kudos


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