get to know me - survey!!!!
name: Ollie
nickname: Olive, Oli, Olie, Oliver, Ale (pronounced Al), Carey(my last name), Helena (my middle name)
how old are you: 16
zodiac sign: Leo
current location: my desk
eye color: green
hair color: Black
hair type: pin straight
height: 5’2 :(
shoe's you wore today: didn't leave house so none
your weakness: The friends I actualy enjoy spending time with and the music I love
your fear: roaches and not being able to do what I want in life/ live up to my potential.
have you ever ridden a mechanical bull: yes! fun wanna do it again
what do you want to do for a job: Band or some one who travels with bands like whatever Dirty did for Fall Out Boy, Roadie, Piercer, Children's music teacher. (anything that has to do with music)
goal you would like to achieve this year: get better at bass, get buffer, find a cool record shop, go to cool venue near me, and drive more
first thought when you wake up: What?
best physical feature: my extremally muscular legs and amazing ass
who is your bestest freind: Jenna
when is your bedtime: depends 9 when there is school the next day, or anywhere between 3 to 6 when I dont have anything the next day or 10 to 1 if I have work or something else the next day
your most cherished memory: Seeing MCR in Boston I love Boston, and Nirvana tribute show with Jenna (a fuck ton of rowdy teens and a lot of crowd surfing)
pepsi or coke: Coke
mc dondalds or burgerking: Mc Donald's
singel or group dates: I don't date I am single
what is the last song you sang: Rise Above (Black Flag)
does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive: yes, but playing the Bass makes you both cool and hot automatically
what is your biggest pet peeve: people who mumble, loud chewers, messy eaters, entitled people, ignorant people, fascists, I have a lot that wont come to mind at the moment
do you drink: no
ever been drunk: yes
do you smoke: yes
do you "SMOKE": no
do you sing: yes but I suck
do you want to go to university: Mabey for a bit just to have the experience and find people who want to be in a band
have you ever been in love: I don't think so, no
do you wnat to get married: IDK depend's how much I like the person
do you believe in yourself: IDK I try not to plan shit too much
do you believe in others: yes but as soon as they loose my trust I don't
do you like thunderstorms: yes they are very pretty but my mom gets stressed cause our house floods and she stresses everyone else out when she is in a bad mood
do you play an instrument: yes! I play the Bass
what country would you like to visit: Romania, Korea, India, Canada
how many CD's do you own: 770
how many DVD's do you own: 18
how many tattoo's do you have: none yet
how many piercings do yo have: I have 2 ear piercings and I am stretching them
how many things in the past do you regeret: a few one was major but didn't have bad repercussions
shoes: all which are my work shoes which are very wide and comfy my vans my slides and my boots
drink: seltzer water and sodas in general I guess I love carbonation I like monster but i always mix in lemon juice cause its too sweet.
car: I want a hearse, a ford Cortana, a 1933 Bentley, a Scooby doo type van, a bat mobile, and a 1986 Firebird Trans Am Pontiac (in red) (I like Trans Am's)
place: my room, Boston, the freezer at work, anywhere cold, and My aunts house during thanksgiving time
song: Famous Last words- MCR, Burn Bright-MCR
West coast smoker- FOB Drain you - Nirvana
movie: Horror movies in general (I like classics like Dracula and Frankenstein as well as very cheep ones) But to get specific a few of my favorites are Venom 2019, Jenifer's Body, Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Harry Potter, Scream 1-4, The Crow, IT, White Chicks, Senseless, RRR, Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World, Stigmata, Jesus Christ: Vampire Hunter, Life on the Murder Scene, Thelma and Louise, Monkey Man, Shut In, Spinal Tap, Not Another Teen Movie, Boom Boom Sabotage, Summer of 85, Weird Science, Marvel movies (I think my fav's are either the Winter Solder or Civil War) Dead poets Society, and Heavy Trip.
moment: seeing MCR, FOB, and Nirvana tribute, Performing live with School of Rock
color: Green, Black, and Dark red
food: sour candy, acidic food, Rice and kimchi, Spam musubi, noodles very specific I know.
favorite eye color: dark
favorite hair color: anything but white blond
short or long hair: don't care
height: as long as they don't look like a child
piercings: yes
tattoos: yes if face tattoos not too much you know
do you think you are attractive: no
are you attracted to someone who does not know it: no
would you like to be someones fantasy: Sure
hunter or hunted: no
do you kiss with your eyes closed or open: only did it once in kindergarten so I don't know but probably closed
a little or a lot of tongue: IDK
older or younger: I really dont care but they cant be too much younger or older than me
lights on/lights off or candle light: Not applicable
do you like to cuddle after: not applicable
do you like to cuddle in general: no too sweaty and hot I like the cold
what is todays date: 9/29/24
what time is it: 11:06
who are you thinking of: myself because of this
what are you listening to: Demolition Lovers- My Chemical Romance
do you love someone: my family sometimes, my friends, Gerard Way
does someone love you: My friends I hope and my family I hope
is it raining: no
are you happy: I'm chill
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Is this survey yours? If so can i use it?
no I stole it
by Xx Ollie xX; ; Report
Do you have the original user? I just like to credit people when i use surveys.
by cheezyneedz; ; Report
I stole it from someone who also stole it and they didn't have credits so unfortunately no
by Xx Ollie xX; ; Report
ah i see, thanks anyway tho
by cheezyneedz; ; Report