Bluetooth Hell

This is the funniest beef I've ever been apart of hehehehe.

At my job we have a communal speaker in the kitchen that anyone can connect to but the cooks obviously are the kings bc its their work space.Everyone uses spotify and there is a feature where if we are using the same wifi a bunch of people can join the session and everyone can add to the queue. This worked pretty good for a while until our lovely music snob showed his true colors. This is where it gets funny btw. This person started joining sessions and adding 8 songs to the queue, skipping other peoples songs, changing playlists and hanging around on his days off and taking control of the tunes. I find him funny because music is something I usually just put on and let shuffle do its thing but he takes it very seriously. The other people we work with don't find it as funny so there has been lost of passive aggression in the kitchen and I think he got banned from the speaker but he still controls the music up at the house when we are all hanging out so we'll see how that goes >_<

0 Kudos


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