this is mainly gonna be interesting quotes that really spoke to me. For those who havent read it her perspective is that love is more of an action than a feeling and because of that there can be no love in abuse or neglect but there can be care. pretty interesting book i def recommend you read it.
taking responsibility for consciously creating goals, identifying the actions necessary to achieve them, making sure our behavior is in alignment with our goals, and paying attention to the outcome of our actions so that we see whether they are leading us where we want to go.
Work occupies much of our time. Doing work we hate assaults our self-esteem and self-confidence. Yet most workers cannot do the work they love.
Often, workers believe that if their home life is good, it does not matter if they feel dehumanized and exploited on the job. Many jobs undermine self-love because they require that workers constantly prove their worth.
Pg 6 4 interesting
M ost of us did not learn when we were yo ung that our capacity to be se lf-loving would be shaped by the work we do and whether that work enhances our well-being.
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