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     Before the release of "Outer Space," I don't think I had ever heard of or met pvddaymian or his collaborator Illabit. That's not me trying to downplay their product, but I am saying that this will be the first review I write that won't be about an artist I have a past with. So, I'll repeat that these reviews are purely opinionated and for entertainment. I'm only one person with a certain music taste. The only review that really matters is the one your ears make when listening to music. So, I highly recommend listening to the music yourself and then comparing opinions. That being said, let's move on.

     "Outer Space" is a collaborative EP from pvddaymian and Illabit. I'll admit that I don't know much about their past work; this will be my first exposure to them, and that's really exciting to say. It's cool finding out more people in my city who are pushing cool shit. In a scene that feels like it's on life support, fuck yeah, I'm gonna support cool shit coming out! Plus, he's got "pvd" in the name, and anyone willing to do that is already 10 miles ahead. I fucking love it.

     Alright, enough with the bullshit. This is "Outer Space" by pvddaymian + Illabit. It's a short but sweet five-track EP, but you better be listening along. You deserve it.




This review admittedly took me a while to write, but it also gave me the time to listen to this tape multiple times, and this song has not left my brain since I first heard it. The whole song just flows together so smoothly and meshes perfectly. I was blown away by the production: not only the instrumentation but it's mixed pretty well, good enough for me to point it out at least. I like seeing the shift towards quality, and not quantity, and it's a trend throughout the whole tape. Great intro song, probably my favorite on the tape (probably). As for the vocals, both artists give great performances with confidence but also have fun, catchy melodies and hooks.


In this song, Illabit takes on the melody, and this is a good way to keep things fresh in the tape and not just box one as the hook person and one as the verse person. It's good that they did that early because while pvddamian does well on his verse, Illabit carries the song with his hook and cadence. Again, the mixing is really impressive, but I did notice a weird entrance from pvd when he came in. I don't know, it just sounds off, lmao, not a big deal, I just noticed it. Good song overall.

This song is a way better presentation of pvddaymian's ability. His verse in this song is much longer and much more interesting. The adlibs are a lot more fun in this track, plus the beat had a really cool bounce and synth to it that I really liked. I do wish we could have heard Illabit put his own verse onto the song. The hook was catchy, yes, but simple. Since Illabit does the hook for the majority of the tracks, it would have been nice to hear more of him, since I did like what he did on "Outer Space."

This song is a much better showcase of pvddaymian's ability. His verse in this song is longer and much more interesting. The ad-libs are a lot more fun in this track, and the beat has a really cool bounce and synth to it that I really liked. I do wish we could have heard Illabit put his own verse onto the song. The hook was catchy, yes, but simple. Since Illabit does the hook for the majority of the tracks, it would have been nice to hear more of him, especially since I did like what he did on "Outer Space."

I know I just wrote a bit ago that I didn't want them to box themselves into specific "hook" and "verse" roles. But in this song, it goes full circle and returns to pvddaymian doing the chorus and Illabit doing the verse... and it works. It works so well, one after the other, and I would say that "Outer Space" and "Want" shine a bit brighter than the others. But as for the song itself, pvddaymian gives another really good performance on the chorus, and Illabit's slow start to his verse delivers with an extremely enjoyable middle and satisfying ending with the chorus to lead us out.

     This review admittedly took me a while to write, but it also gave me the time to listen to this tape multiple times, and this song has not left my brain since I first heard it. The whole song just flows together so smoothly and meshes perfectly. I was blown away by the production: not only the instrumentation but it's mixed pretty well, good enough for me to point it out at least. I like seeing the shift towards quality, and not quantity, and it's a trend throughout the whole tape. Great intro song, probably my favorite on the tape (probably). As for the vocals, both artists give great performances with confidence but also have fun, catchy melodies and hooks.


     In all honesty, I struggle with keeping up with the local music in my area. My laziness and business keep me from listening to a lot of albums on day one, and I sadly miss out on the hype. But listening to people that I don't personally know is asking a lot from me, to be honest. I think that feeling resonates with a lot of other people in the city. We have such a stale view of the music scene that we barely bat an eye on it if it weren't for the people we personally know who are involved in it. Maybe that's a bold assumption for me to make. But listening to the Outer Space Tape showed me the other developing sounds going on without me ever knowing. For so long, I thought that my little circle was the only one holding up the city with pride, and then my bubble is popped. But in actuality, I'm just a hermit who has fallen off with participating and being apart from the community i claim to be apart of. How many more groups and movements are beginning that I will never be a part of? How many will I never see develop into a someday giant? This was a really good tape, and I'm proud to see the videos coming out of them in the city, showing off how much potential we really have.




thank you for reading!

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