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Category: Friends

24/09/23 -Just a small update on health and life-

Hi!!! Not much has been happening. I still decided to make a small update!

I got new friends from school I'll call them "T and N from my school" if I'm talking about them in my blogs. 

I don't have anything new about the narcolepsy/sleepiness-thing. I tried to go to a doctor but the waiting lines are so long they said they will call me back but it has been a week and no one has called.. It's kinda whatever because I'll survive with this.. But I want answers.. I want to know if it's just somehow bad air quality everywhere that makes me fall asleep or if there is actually something else? I keep waking up every night somewhere around 1-3 and I'm super out of it every time, I keep thinking I'm late for school and waking up my sister but then I kinda wake up and remember that it's two in the morning and I have only slept for ONE HOUR... I fall asleep at midnight I don't get it.. It's so weird and every morning I'm super tired...

I went to see the swan lake ballet at the Opera house with my friend. I was like ALMOST the most underdressed person in the whole building.. There was another person who was only wearing a white t-shirt and pants.. at least my t-shirt had a star on it.. 😅😅

also I didn't remember that they both just DIED in the end.. 

But I liked the ballet otherwise and I hope we can go again. I can easily get tickets because my both parents used to work in the Opera house (also they met there so I'm an OG-Opera kid).

I made a friend from outside of my school as well, and we are sooo similar!!? He is JUST like me.. The only difference is that he hangs out with friends super often and stays out late and I can't stay awake after midnight and I go out like.. once a month?

We are going to meet on Wednesday, we were talking about boba tea the other day and decided to go get it together, so I'll probably. make a new update after that ◟( ˃̶͈◡ ˂̶͈ )◞🧋

I hope anyone reading my blog has been well!

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