Like sure, he found out the information about Fyodor, but we haven't learned his backstory in the ANIMATED version yet since Bones is a bitch and decided to not animate it when we first get to know him. Another thing, when he was getting the information from Fyodor, he didn't die like how Fyodor kills his enemies. I would see that Sigma has an ability, as he tells Atsushi how it works and all, but oh my god Sigma needs to be alive before I blow up.
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Bones me cayó mal desde que decidieron no animar la cadena del sombrero de Chuuya
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(also fr is sigma or fyodor actually die im going to bomb the world)
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we have no backstory on Fyodor I doubt that Asagiri would kill a character off like that, even if so sigma is in a loop in his own head right now because he gained all that information from him too. I bet its going to be an ep where we see what info Sigma got and then Dazai nullifies it so he can wake up from slumber.
by - REY ✩; ; Report
good theory! i rlly wanna get some fyodor backstory ngl
by angel.; ; Report