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Category: Life


HIYA, KAYSTER HERE!!! DO U KNOW WHAT DAY IT IS?! (more like night hehe)

BUT... ITS THE 21ST NIGHT OF SEPTEMBER! ill try to send a link of the song embeded, but i dont know if that works here cuz last time i tried with a youtube vid and it didnt work out, so if i cant figure it out could someone please help me? thank you in advance!

<iframe style="border-radius:12px" src="https://open.spotify.com/embed/track/2grjqo0Frpf2okIBiifQKs?utm_source=generator" width="100%" height="352" frameBorder="0" allowfullscreen="" allow="autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; fullscreen; picture-in-picture" loading="lazy"></iframe>

edit: damn it, the stupid embeded link didnt work.

other than that, today i presented my speech for class rep. every class needs to have 2 reps, but i was the only one running! i think i have a high chance of winning, hmm...

ANYWAYS!!! separate ways is awesome (the re4r [resident evil 4 remake] dlc). I LOVE U ADA! the laser room part is supes cool, and the death animations are totally brutal this time around! capcom really did a good job of recreating this iconic dlc.

moving on, tomorrow is the day we listen to the speeches of people running for cabinet positions. if any of my friends are here (my friends that i forced to join spacehey but probably dont look at this website), i wish you the best of luck tomorrow! im excited for that because i get to skip history class xD.

one last thing, my mom and i have been playing walking dead season one recently. actually, she joined in near the end of episode 2. im at the start of episode 4 now, the story is super duper interesting! i love spending time with my mom, and playing video games, they are my favorite things.

i dont have much else to say, so i think i'll end everything here. thanks for reading, kaysta owt!!

1 Kudos


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