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Re: RL Grime's PLAY project

        Last week, RL Grime released PLAY, an elaborate album divided into three parts: APEX, GRID, and RUSH, each with their own different feel. This post is about my thoughts on the album; favorite song from each disc, favorite disc, and favorite overall song.

        My favorite song from APEX is NME with JAWNS. This song was the one that piqued my interest off of APEX. For the longest time I've been obsessed with the opener for JAWNS' set at Digital Mirage in November of 2020. That song has such a hype feel to it. Well..... NME is that song, albeit edited a bit, but I was still very hyped to hear it. Runner up fave from APEX being Zone, solely because of the WHAT 👏 YOU 👏 THINK 👏 THAT 👏 WE 👏 THINK 👏 IS 👏 COOL sample. When I heard it, I smiled because that very sample caused Discord's servers to crash because of everyone pasting it all at once. Good memories from PRD Eon Nights and Language Nights (now discontinued online festival series). Favorite song from GRID is Street Sweeper with 1nonly. That song has such a different, darker vibe compared to anything else on GRID. I tend to lean towards darker songs because they have such hyper vibes (also may or may not be because of a certain goth character from Gitaroo man). Favorite song from RUSH is Hikari. Imagine you're speeding down a highway in a cyberpunk city at night, with the only lights being the bright, colorful signs and banners on the high skyscrapers. This is what this song feels like. I love it. It's the same feeling as Nitepunk's Miracle (Probably also I Know That You Know too but whatevs). Every time I listen to it I imagine myself rollerblading at high speeds a la Jet Set Radio. Such an amazing feeling. 

        PLAY is a three disc album, each part having a defining feel. APEX is dedicated for all of your festival bangers, GRID is more melancholy and vocal focused, and RUSH pretty much sounds like how it feels to speed down a highway in a cyberpunk city, preferably the one depicted in Deltarune Chapter 2. Considering my recent gravitation towards more hyper, more dark songs (again, thanks to that goth dude from Gitaroo man), APEX is my overall favorite part, however it doesn't contain my favorite song.

        My overall favorite song is.... [[Insert drumroll here]]..... Hikari, off of RUSH. It's been on repeat this past week, thus, it is my favorite song off of the entire album. My criteria for favorite song is if it's been on repeat for the last few days, it is a favorite. So yeah. Hikari is my favorite song overall, APEX is my favorite part, and this album may be in my top three AOTY list.

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