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Category: Music

List of Sex Pistols references in pop media #1: The Films

The Sex Pistols are probably the most famous punk band after the Ramones, so it's expected they're referenced in media. Here's a list of examples I can come up with when thinking about it so you can find out more about this band. Many of these are only about Sid, because he's the most popular member of the group and I've investigated him more... But he was a Sex Pistol, so it counts 😉.

These will go from less to more obscure... But only films today. No one likes entries too long, do they?

- The Films Everyone Knows: AKA The Great Rock 'n' Roll Swindle (1980), Sid & Nancy (1986), The Filth and The Fury (2000) and Pistol FX (2022).

The Great Rock 'n' Roll Swindle

The Great Rock 'n' Roll Swindle is a mockumentary by Julian Temple. This means none of the events shown in it are actually true, but at the same time there are many references to the actual story of the band. It's a very confusing film, very experimental and it's likely you won't understand at first, and maybe not the second time either... This film is not for everyone, and even many obsessed fans find it too confusing. It's interesting though, because it's the actual band members acting in it (except Johnny)... Malcolm McLaren included! He even sings a song about the Lord! I recommend the soundtrack more than I recommend the movie.

Sid & Nancy

A film by Alex Cox about the romance between Sid Vicious and Nancy Spungen. Johnny Rotten is in it, too, but no actual Sex Pistols history is shown. Based on Johnny Rotten/John Lydon's opinion and supposedly Paul Cook's too, it's not relatable at all... Johnny even threatened to sue! I agree it's not too accurate, but it's still a good film and the actors Gary Oldman and Chloe Webb are great. I think Chloe did some scenes wonderfully... But I won't spoil! Alex Cox has openly admitted to hating the real Sid and Nancy, so if you except a redemption for them, this is the wrong film... You'll have to wait a little more. A funny anecdote about this film is how Courtney Love applied for Nancy's role, saying she "was Nancy". She didn't get it, but she does appear in the film as Nancy's friend!

The Filth and the Fury

Also made by Julien Temple, unlike his first Sex Pistols film, this one is an actual documentary, and the most accurate film out of these 4. If you're looking for realism and facts, the one you must look into is this one. The real band members are in it too, but it's Glen speaking instead of Sid, obviously. They don't show their faces, but you can hear their voices. They talk about the group's history and give their opinion about some of it... There are some really emotive scenes 🥹.

Pistol FX

This one is technically not a film, but a miniseries of 6 episodes, roughly 50 minutes each. It's relatively accurate, but some things are changed to make or more dramatic and thrilling (as if the Sex Pistols didn't have enough drama on their history already! They have more drama than original songs!) The actors are well known right now, but I don't know much about them, so I can't give my opinion on that. The miniseries is based on Steve Jones' book "Lonely Boy" so it's mostly from his POV, which is really refreshing as it's usually Johnny and Sid who get the spotlight! I really enjoyed the show, even though it's not as accurate as The Filth and the Fury, it's more entertaining to watch for casual fans, especially the new ones... Just as a warning, it's rated M/18+. It obviously has drugs, but it has many sex scenes too, so careful! Although I must admit I showed a episode of this to my dad 🤭.

- Bonus!!: Never Mind The Baubles: Christmas '77 with the Sex Pistols (Nevermind The Baubles)

A documentary about what should have been the Sex Pistols last gig, on Christmas 1977. Roughly an hour long. The members of the band speak about how they spent their Christmas when they were younger before the Sex Pistols (Steve's story is so sad 😢) and then they comment on the footage of the gig they did to children, some orphans, that Christmas when many workers were striking. You'll get to see Johnny Rotten covered in cake, and for free! Some children at the gig (now adults) speak, too. Glen is invited, even though he wasn't even attending that gig... But I guess they needed a bassist to speak, didn't they? Very cute documentary. God, if this had been their last gig, they would have faded in completely glory... But Malcolm wanted more, and in a way, I'm thankful he did.

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