mil0ser's profile picture

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Category: Blogging

stuff about me!! (updates every now and then)

name: Milo

nickname: N/a

zodiac sign: Scorpio

height: 5'3

what's your middle name?: Kaualanipili

shoes you wore today: My LIMITED EDITION red peanuts converse B]

your weakness: Not seeing Paul Dano every 12 hours

your fear: Deep/murky water, big things, dying alone, a bunch of stuff idk

goal you would like to achieve this year: Start animating maybe waybe

best physical feature: My hair if it was short (this is positive)

who is your bestest friend?: Stinky winky Shiloh love him

your most cherished memory: Uhhhhh uhhhhhhhh uh uhhh uhhhh watching Little Miss Sunshine and or La La Land and or Swiss Army Man (Paul Dano on da brain)

pepsi or coke?: Depends on the moment tbh

mcdonalds or burger king?: Fast food Nation o_o

what is the last song you sang?: Cave Ballad from Swiss Army Man

does playing the guitar make a person more attractive?: Not attractive imo but 100% cooler

have you ever drank?: No

have you ever been drunk?: No

have you ever smoked?: No

do you sing?: In the shower but no other than that

do you want to go to college?: Yezzz I wanna go to NYFA in LA :]

have you ever been in love?: Yez RIGHT THIS MOMENT

do you want to get married?: I am such a sucker for weddings yessss

do you believe in yourself?: Mmmmm not really sometimes

do you believe in others?: Occasionally

do you like thunderstorms?: No they give me headaches :broken-heart:

do you play an instrument?: A little electric guitar but I'm still learning

what country would you like to visit?: GERMANY!!!!

how many CDs do you own?: Me personally none but my dad owns like 300+

how many DVDs do you own?: Three and they are all The Batman related

how many tattoos do you have?: 0 but I kinda wanna get LITTLE Paul Dano things like <?> and stuff

how many piercings do you have?: My ears so one or two

how many things in the past do you regret?: Too many !!


shoes: Converse

drink: A good lemonade

car: 2023 Dodge Challenger GT, 1970 Dodge Charger, 1965 Chevy Impala (these cars are so yummy yummy in my tummy especially the GT

place: LA number one but Las Vegas and NYC are close runner ups

song: So many just look at my spotify if you wanna know

movie: oh boy get ready... (not in order) There Will be Blood, Little Miss Sunshine, The Batman, The Truman Show, Swiss Army Man, Ruby Sparks (this was taken from my profile so formatting is weird sorray)

moment: n/a

colour: Red

meal: Foodland Poke Bowl mmm yummy yummy


eye colour: Brown

hair colour: Brown

short or long hair: Long but I wanna cut it short

ethnicity: AMERICA RAHHHH /j and maybe El Salvadorian we don't know

do you think you are attractive?: Sometimes and if I did my hair the way I imagined 100%

what time is it?: 5:29 PM and I have therapy in one minute #speedrun

last song you listened to?: Les by Childish Gambino

is it raining?: No

how many spacehey friends do you have?: 11

are you happy?: At this moment no, in general I'm doing fine but could be happier

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mil0ser's profile picture

5/8/24 update

name: Milo

nickname: N/a

zodiac sign: Scorpio

height: 5'3

what's your middle name?: Kaualanipili

shoes you wore today: My LIMITED EDITION red peanuts converse B]

your weakness: being spider-man

your fear: Deep/murky water, big things, dying alone/being forgotten, a bunch of stuff idk

goal you would like to achieve this year: Act in SOMETHING

best physical feature: My hair because IT IS SHORT NOW!!

who is your bestest friend?: Stinky winky Shiloh love him

your most cherished memory: My sweet 16

pepsi or coke?: Depends on the moment tbh

mcdonalds or burger king?: Fast food Nation o_o

what is the last song you sang?: Canʻt Stop The Feeling by Justin Timberlake

does playing the guitar make a person more attractive?: Not attractive imo but 100% cooler

have you ever drank?: No

have you ever been drunk?: No

have you ever smoked?: No

do you sing?: In the shower but no other than that

do you want to go to college?: I think?

have you ever been in love?: Yez RIGHT THIS MOMENT

do you want to get married?: I am such a sucker for weddings yessss

do you believe in yourself?: Mmmmm not really sometimes

do you believe in others?: Occasionally

do you like thunderstorms?: No they give me headaches :broken-heart:

do you play an instrument?: A little electric guitar and piano but I'm still learning both

what country would you like to visit?: GERMANY!!!!

how many CDs do you own?: Me personally none but my dad owns like 300+

how many DVDs do you own?: 16 individual, but 10 different things (other 6 are extras/special features and stuff)

how many tattoos do you have?: 0 but I kinda wanna get LITTLE things like > and maybe a Spider-Man thing

how many piercings do you have?: Both my ears are pierced but I lost one earing sad face

how many things in the past do you regret?: Too many !!


shoes: Converse

drink: A good lemonade or mandarin Jarritos

car: 2023 Dodge Challenger GT, 1970 Dodge Charger, 1965 Chevy Impala, 1960(?) Mustang (these cars are so yummy yummy in my tummy)

place: NYC, LA and Las Vegas are veryyyy close runner ups

song: So many just look at my spotify if you wanna know

movie: again, so many, check my letterboxd

moment: my sweet 16 (again)

colour: Red

meal: Foodland Poke Bowl mmm yummy yummy


eye colour: Brown

hair colour: Brown

short or long hair: short B]

ethnicity: AMERICA RAHHHH and El Salvadorian and Guatemala we do know now (this is silly please laugh)

do you think you are attractive?: Sometimes

what time is it?: 8:15PM

last song you listened to?: Elephant by Tame Impala

is it raining?: No

how many spacehey friends do you have?: 90 (!!!)

are you happy?: At this moment definitely not, in general I'm not doing great either

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