alec <3's profile picture

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Category: Friends

about me- stolen from Trys

nickname: aleca
zodiac sign: scorpio
height: 5'4
what's your middle name?: hazel
shoes you wore today: crocs
your weakness: being yelled at and people bringing up my scar on my arm
your fear: needles
goal you would like to achieve this year: to not get in huge trouble and to like myself!
best physical feature:my ass 😍

who is your bestest friend?: cory atw

your most cherished memory: my first musical

pepsi or coke?: pepsi
mcdonalds or burger king?:  burger king
single or group dates?:single atw.
what is the last song you sang?:Im in love with an E girl by Wilbur Soot

does playing the guitar make a person more attractive?: yes omg
have you ever drank?: yes
have you ever been drunk?:no.

have you ever smoked?: yes
do you sing?: yes
do you want to go to college?: no
have you ever been in love?: yes
do you want to get married?:  hell no
do you believe in yourself?: no
do you believe in other people?: no

do you like thunderstorms?: yeah
do you play an instrument?: im learning piano.
what country would you like to visit?: The UK, british people are hot (for the most part)
how many CDs do you own?: none
how many DVDs do you own?: so many
how many tattoos do you have?:  none
how many piercings do you have?: my ears.
how many things in the past do you regret?: so many

shoes: tennis shoes 
drink: arizona tea

car:pickup truck

place: The Library 

song: too many.
moment: telling my crush i like her (today)
colour: orange, either dark or pastel or purple
meal: spaghetti, homage tho 

in a person
eye colour: any
hair colour: any
short or long hair: idrc, not too long, but not too short

body type: 
ethnicity: idc
piercings: nose
tattoos: yes, anywhere you want, have fun pook
bedside manner: ????
do you think you are attractive?:hell no

are you attracted to someone who does not know it?: no, she knows, told her today
would you like to be someone's fantasy?: no i’m good
hunter or hunted?: girl bye
cuddles in general?:yes. just, yes.
what is today's date?: 9/19/23
what time is it?: 8:32
who are you thinking of?: my bestie and my crush 
what are you listening to? i’m in love with an E-girl by Wilbur Soot
do you love someone?: yessir.
does someone love you?: i think
is it raining?: no

how many spacehey friends do you have?: 14

are you happy?: meh

0 Kudos


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