VINΛ's profile picture

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Category: SpaceHey

Don't like the "edit" links always showing on your personal profile page? Toggle them with this!

If you don't like seeing the edit links on your profile page all the time, you can use the script below to show or hide them with a little open eye/closed eye that appears in the very top left of your page (it only shows for you!) It hides them all when your page loads and you can click the closed 'eye' icon to reveal the edit links, and then open eye to hide them again.

Get the code here:

You will have to install an add-on like CJS2 for Chrome or Code Injector for Firefox.  These are add-ons that let you inject your own custom code, almost like having little extensions for any webpage you want. As far as I know, these sorts of extensions are only available for the desktop

Feel free to change and redistribute the code all you want (there are probably better ways of doing some of this lol). I don't support the code, and the profile page html might change at any point, breaking this code, so you're on your own, but I hope you find it useful!

7 Kudos


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