Uhhhh poetry, a little edgy

You are a kind person 

Everyday I see you.

I have resigned myself to the backseat as to not disturb your seamless beauty.

Yet I crave to be part of the group.

You’ve smiled at me before.

Waved at me and said hi.

Yet you don’t wait while I finish my sentences.

Do you not love me?

Yet I am aware, you are a kind person.

It’s your choice if you want to listen to me, it’s no obligation.

It never is.

You don’t judge, the people love your company.

You listen to the friends around you.

You are a kind person.

Maybe one day you’ll find someone who loves you.

Yet I know that can’t be me. 

I resigned myself to a backseat so I wouldn’t drain you.

So I wouldn’t rip that patience from you.

I’ve become the parasite that many complain about before.

I will refrain this time.

For you are a beauty best left untouched.

You are perfection in every way.

And that is something I mustn’t corrupt.

You are a kind person.

2 Kudos


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gh0st's profile picture

:0 beautiful poem

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Thank you :3

by DemonAngelCat; ; Report