A po3m 1 d1d f0r class 🤭

I'm from the cozy winters and active summers.

From the weather always being perfect, no matter what.

 From the frequent trips to cousin's houses

 that you were always jealous of, 

yet catty whispers I could never truly hear. 

I'm from the constant sleepovers,

 the waterpark that was more “park” than “water”, 

dressing up for renaissance festivals,

I’m from screaming our favorite fall out boy lyrics, 

From acting out the music videos as different celebrities,

and how dumb we all looked with washable mark mustaches.

I’m from the way the zoo always smelled a bit funny, 

with peacocks hidden around each tree.

From the field trip I took once and the seagull who

decided to ruin my day by clearing out his system on top of my head.

I’m from waves of depression to sudden euphoria, 

from great relief to overwhelming stress,

from mental battles as long as my will to keep living,

from finally seeing me for me, flaws and all.

My name is ||Finley [REDACTED]||, and I’m from acceptance.

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