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Category: Life

...SAM11.. o.O

     !! WELCOME 2 MY BLOG oO ¡¡ 

Well, in this blog I will only talk about myself and stuff, maybe I will also update it as time goes by.


 My name, age and stuff...

  • First, my name is Sam, I'm 15 years old, to tell you the truth English is not my native language but I swear I try to speak it the best I can.
  •  I like the ''emo style'' I don't know if you can say it like that but yes, I really like it a lot.

(I joined SpaceHey because of a friend who recommended it to me so I wouldn't get bored and I really appreciate it, I had already heard about it but it didn't catch my attention but now that I'm here WAAAAAA IT'S SO FUNNY!! (at least decorating is), I swear I've been decorating for hours although I haven't done much with my profile but I try TT




Of course I LOVE PINK, I think it shows a lot...


Well, it's aa... complicated. Sometimes I love green and sometimes it's... I don't know, it looks weird.



  • I love music, I have a somewhat varied musical taste but it almost always stays the same.

...My playlist...

( )

  • I HAVE A CAT hehe, her name is ''Rayito'' I love her very much although she is not that affectionate, I know that deep down she loves me as much as I love her, she just doesn't know how to show it. she honey nor she considers it necessary and that's fine with me.

(Also...I'm terrified of dogs, I don't know if it's necessary to mention it but mehh... It's a little ironic since I live with a dog. XDD)


WAAAA this is a topic that excites me too much to tell the truth.

Well, the beginning...

I have drawn since I can remember or well, since I was 5-6 years old, (I don't have many memories of my childhood shh..)

Clearly I didn't do very well at first, my drawings were literal circles with sticks, but as I grew up I got better and when I discovered digital drawings it was so WOW, I don't know what it would be like if I hadn't discovered it...

Around the age of 11-12 or so I opened an ig and tiktok account where I uploaded my drawings and although now they embarrass me TOO MUCH, before I saw them as the fifth wonder HAHAHA

(I lost those accounts btw...)

And finally at the age of 13 I think, he created another ig and tiktok account which are the ones I currently use

 (ig: s4mlov3r tt: s4mpuch3 yeah spam hehe)

In those I currently upload my drawings and they are doing well I think, well ''actually'' not because I haven't uploaded anything in a while hehe 

I really don't know what I would be like without drawing, it was and is something so fundamental to who I am now, I have taken refuge in drawing for years and if I could I would show you my notebooks from all these years, it has helped me so much to be able to grow and I believe strongly that it is the only thing I am good at.











And that's it.

I would like to have written more or included more important or interesting things but I didn't really know what to include and I didn't want to make it so long either.

But at least I hope you liked it and it opened your curiosity a little to get to know me.

(You can also talk to me here or on my ig, I swear I will always answer even if it takes me late!! )

⋆·˚ ༘ * GOODBYE CUTIES >3<⋆·˚ ༘ *


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