COMFORM TO MY NONCONFORMITY ! ! : stupid alt teens tellng ya u doing it wrong

to these people being and belonging to some alternative group is a little special club for them to make them feel special than other people in their community. gatekeeping and scaring away people from freedom to self express. newsflash not every alternative person has to look the same or like the same things and look a certain way and there is no way to " do things correctly" 

is alternative you dumbass not a dress code 

yall must be privileged enough to worry about what someone else does and get so mad and upset 

from bullying cute kids for wearing bunny hats and shitty on someone cheap clothes 

alternative people are supposed to be chill group of people who are accepting and loving not classist, ageist , racist even and i don't care how you dress if you act like this you are a dumbass poser.

being alternative means hanging with misfits of society and having the right values and creativity

and supporting people.

as someone who is of marginalized identity i could care less about how white people feel about alternative cultures anyways ill always be more cool than you.

enjoy your stupid cool kids club and feel special

and remember we are all gonna die someday

Cringe culture forever !!!!

12 Kudos


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