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Category: Romance and Relationships

20 reasons why

my original idea was to just send you a photo and briefly mention how important you are to me, but you decided to steal that so I'll make this !!Β 

I love you.

1. you're the sweetest person ever like what.. you are genuinely so kind and thoughtful πŸ˜“ when you pick up my bag incase I'd forgotten it (or any other items for that matter), when you and I have a whole race to get to the door (IM SORRY FOR PUSHING YOU TODAY.. I WASN'T THINKING), the consistent compliments and check-ups are so unnecessary but so sweet 😭 you know when to drop something, and how to help, even if it's minor. you're so sweet and it surprises me every time, how can someone so fucking perfect exist? you apologise for being consistent with check-ups but it is something I admire about you instead bro.. like I have never met someone who'd even double check but of course you pass my impossibly low standards πŸ˜“ your offers when it comes to skz, you make references with me and expect it when I do... you're so sweet when it comes to my own interests and I genuinely can't believe it bro..

Β I genuinely saved like a billion babies from a burning building because I don't understand how I'd have ever even been able to breath your air in the first place. I love you.

2. you're so cool?????! like for starters your interests, erm wtf! sharks are so banger and all-around amazing guys !! /gen I'd let you talk about them forever frl frl β˜ΉοΈπŸ™β€ΌοΈ along with alton towers I was so happy for you when you told me you were going there on Wednesday and I'm very happy I got to hear nearly every second of it, even if Shay was being a bit of an ass, I'm glad you got to have a day somewhere you love! also the bracelets kill me.. I decided to keep it in my drawer and only wear it on weekends so it doesn't get lost hihi I'm very happy with my choice because I'd definitely have lost it by now 😭 AND STUDIO GHIBLI IS AWESOME!! like only the best people like studio ghibli bffr that's such a banger interest. how can someone be so like awesome???? you're so cool, I love you.


your hair is like gorgeous wtf. it always looks so soft and never messy, it just makes your features look even more delicate and it makes it more balanced too. your features are sharp but so smooth too you know? everything about you is sharp. But smooth, elegant and soft too like I'm in awe everytime I see you, idk why but as of late I've just been staring at you and wondering how. how can someone I even know be so handsome? how can someone in this school be so pretty? how can my boyfriend, of all things, be such a gorgeous person? I always find myself just staring at you (usually English) and feeling completely shocked that this is someone I know. this is the person I love, the one that loves me back and I can always go back to them to tell them what's just happened. the first person I let know when something cool, horrific, etcetera has happened. You asked why I always give you the gold sticker? I'm being honest when I say it compliments you most, even before your glasses it suited you perfectly. Golden, it matches your eyes. Brown perfectly complimented by the radiant gold of that star. Matches your glasses, too. It just matches you. I don't know how to explain it. But, IΒ love your glasses. I love your eyes. your nose, eyebrows and cheeks, your freckles and your hair. I love you.

4. you're so adorable.

you know the right thing to say (mostly....) and apologise if something seems to have come off wrong, even if it's a tad late it's highly appreciated and cute. how clumsy you are is both funny and cute to imagine. the notes back and forth are absolutely adorable and I love them sm πŸ’”πŸ’” and when you ask if I'm alright on notes it's scary for sure but so kind and sweet and cute and awh and AAAH you're genuinely the most adorable perosn I've ever met what!!!! how you punch me.. you always seem to care about what I've got to say as well, even though you make fun of me and are in general an all around silly guy you know when and how to be serious even if it's uncomfortable tension in the conversation and that's something I admire you for frl, the care you show for other people, is adorable. I love you.

5. your taste

your taste in things are impeccable??? like wtf. you have great music taste, and even for the one I don't know I'm sure they're great ! because a majority of your artists I used to listen to and I loved them omfg even milo thinks you're cool for your music taste cuz I told him you liked bowie when he mentioned him and he said smth along the lines of "oh he must be cool then" like yes he is wtfπŸ’―πŸ’― impossibly cool and has a great taste in things actuslly Milo... also, you shown me sm new shows that are proper good it's unbelievable. I'm very glad I watched them for you because they are so good wtf 😭πŸ”₯ (also if you ever want me to stop that js say the word frl) I'm very glad I can understand some references as well it's great 😻 I love you.

6. talent bro..

YOU'RE SOOO TALENTED WHAT. I literally admire all the drawings you give me because they're always so good, and the ones you give me never disappoint. I love them sm and it's an honour to be able to have them (even if you kept them bakudeku drawings that were commissioned.../j) you're awesome at drawing, and I would literally host your art auction no money needed. I might even buy the whole thing double the price because I love your drawings SM wtf????! I understand not all of them will be the best, but pleaaaase don't let that make you believe you're only good sometimes because I know you literally have so much talent for it πŸ˜“ I love you.

7. how silly you are

I still find it so silly and funny to think of the royale high diamonds it's so funny I cannot 😭 you were going on royale high so much that you heard the sound effect and seen it.... that's just silly. the way you deny your wolf fursona may be even sillier, we both know it's true you little furry... (jokes I swear don't kill me ira or I may have to shoot you with a silver bullet) and it's so silly that whenever I ask anyone but you for something you're the only one that gives me it, you literally tried bombarding me with a mysterious red pencil.. nonetheless, I love you.

8. how caring bro

it still fucks me over that you try draw skz for me, it's so fucking cute I can't. and when I said that and you went "because it makes you happy (very mean insult)" IT WAS SO SWEET 😭😭😭😭 "I js need to remind you" how can someone like this exist you're so perfect what the fuck? so damn thoguhtful it's scary when you had my paragraph ("more like novel") as your lockscresn????! when you threaten to take me to the doctors.. it's cute and funny because you're caring asf but its also funny to see you say you'll drive me to the doctors asap

"ofc by 'idc' I mean:Β I'm gonna respect ur boundaries and not kiss u if u do not want to but based on previous conversations it seems u are willing so if u are then u will be" LIKE WHAT it's so sweet/caring that you'd js point that out in case I felt uncomfy or smth by that "there's genuinely nothing I could insult abt him" you're actually too much wtf. /pos!! I love you.

9. how u don't even gotta be there irl to make me laugh like crazy 😭 (though I prefer insulting you irl)

"which means u and my brother have added eachother on roblox" THE REALISTATION WAS HILARIOUS IT HAD ME CACKLING FLR YEARS STOP. I don't like how you dragged Jake out of his room because I jokingly said I'd say hi.. then made him say hi.. though I don't regret it because that day was literally amazing I want to spend all my time with you. if it was my last day on earth I think I'd want to just listen to you speak for hours on end until I pass. I love your voice so much I'd rather die to it than anything else bro.. I'd want to spend my last day with you, have fun and just listen to your voice fade away I think that'd be one of the best deaths ever icl, everything abt u is too perfect. I love you.

10. how attentive you are

how you are able to tell when/if I'm okay or not, I'll never know it's like some kind of superpower at this point I don't understand you man... you also remember things I say, which is scary but still shows you actually listen/read and it's super awhhhhh because it genuinely shows your interest, care, and thoughtfulness πŸ˜“ you're so fucking sweet, attentive, selfless, and nice. I love you.

I also miss you so damn much. and I might not have ten reasons why, but take these πŸ˜“β€οΈβ€ΌοΈ

1. your touch

I miss your touch like crazy every single time we leave school I crave it for what seems like decades πŸ’”β˜ΉοΈ your touch is literally the only one I can tolerate you're absolutely amazeballs ilysm. I want to hug you forever, I want to receive every bit of your touch forever. hold hands, kiss, hug, and cuddle. I want to do it all. you are literally so sweet. I miss you even now.

2. your personality


3. your looks

I miss looking to my right and then losing my focus there because it seems like I've seen a fucking angel ong you're so beautiful stop it. every single time I look over and you are there, someone so beautiful is peaceful beside me. its impossible, I swear. but somehow it happens. I miss you sm

4. library

I'm so mad we haven't been able to cuddle in the library yet.. it's always locked or the corners gone because of jay πŸ’”πŸ’” I miss it sm. I miss youuu sm.

5. class

its literally an honour to be able to sit next to you in class, even if you copy my work.. I get km genius calm yourself man.. but seriously, I'm glad I can use my left hand remotely well now just because of that history lesson!!! I miss youΒ 

6. library when we're meant to be in class

ITS SO FUN. we'll be throwing stuff at each other one second, then cuddling the next. its so calming and it was one of the things I looked forward to the most last year. I MISS YOUUUUU

7. any class really

as long as you're in my eyesight im okay I miss you tons

8. hallways...

they're always so crowded I have to look back and make sure you're still with me, I offer my hand a lot too and idk why.. iM SORRY IF I PUSH YOU OR JOLD YOU WHILST WE'RE WALKING THERE ITS SO YOU DONT DIE but even though it's chaotic it's okay since Im with you I miss you so much

9. hangouts

all our hangouts are so damn fun and I wish I could just live in your floorboards at this point because you're so cool to be around and I'm sure I'd have a great time just resting by your side (or underneath since eim in the floorboards..)Β 

10. the realisations

you know when you're just sitting there and out of nowhere you start thinking about how fucking lucky you are? that's always me whenever I see you. I'll be in English, and I'll just stare. I'll get so emotional for no reason just because it's so so so heartwarming to know i always want to stay by your side, to stay with you always and to just look at you, to see how pretty you are. always and forever bro there's never not gonna be a lesson where I do my work, it's always going to involve me staring at you and realising how much of a lucky boy I am, to be so in love with another boy that makes my whole world quake. I'm so lucky, and I'd sacrifice everything in my life just to help you smile. I love you so much. please understand that and remember. I mightn't tell you it so often, I might not let you know that. but please remember it. because you are so fuckign important to me, and I'd rather die than let anyone else get to you. I'd rather fuck myself over to help you out, to give you anything you'd ever wanted. I'd always want to help you. I love you so much. please don't forget it. don't forget it ever. I love you so much it hurts. to be in the middle of English and realise you are my boyfurbed is insane. I can't believe it, and I really can't grasp it. because you're so perfect, you mean so much to me, and you are the one I love. you are the one I miss. the one I'd leave everything for in a matter of milliseconds. I miss you. so much.


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I love you sososososoossoos much mon soleil oh my days

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by leeπŸšπŸ¦€; ; Report


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