does anyone else, like. find living... weird? the consept that you are thrown into being consious is so odd to me? and the fact that we just die after. it makes me genuinely not believe this is all there is, to everything. that the universe, being consious and being alive is the whole point, whats outside of consiousness? is it something humans cant comprehend? is it nothing? if so, does living matter? whats the point of living 9if its just going to end anyway? im not like, suicidal, not at all!!! but the point of living seems so pointless, it confuses me beyond explanation. theres so many things i think about consiousness that i cant put into words. if anyone relates, PLEASE reply. id love to hear your view.
i have so much on my mind
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RIGHT? like if you think about it its really.. weird.
and why we even live? why something or someone even created human beings?? i have to much to ask about
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I KNOW RIGHT??? it kinda messes up with my daily life
by R0NN13 O_o; ; Report
I KNOW RIGHT??? it kinda messes up with my daily life
by R0NN13 O_o; ; Report