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This is the blog I talk about Spider-Man. Deadass.

So picture this, it is 2008, lil Totaro is still in elementary school. I'd get picked on for being a huge fan of superheroes, especially mainly Spider-Man. I had both Ultimate Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2 on the Ps2. I had Spider-Man the animated series on dvd. I had all three Sam Raimi Spider-Man films on dvd. I had a fuckton of Spider-Man figures. Lil Totaro back in the day was a huge Spider-Man fanboy. Hell, I still am today. Like I said though, I was picked on for it. I'd be roasted for liking the "lame stuff" and not for being on the "new shit", which cycled between liking shoes or the newest COD title, or something else. I didn't have an interest for those things as a kid, and as a result, I didn't really connect with other kids at the time. Fast forward to like 2023, Spider-Man is literally the most hyped character, even among mainstream audiences. I mean we're talking fuckin, Spider-Man Air Jordans, Spider-Man games made by the mfs who did the Rachet and Clank series, the OG's of the playstation. A fuckton of fashion inspired by the Spider-Verse films, I could name it all. It makes me really happy seeing something I have loved since childhood now really being loved by alot of people.

However, what sticks out to me is how alot of the people I see, I know damn well would have bullied the absolute shit out of me as a kid for liking the same damn thing. Like, now that everyone likes Spider-Man, suddenly all that just "never happened"? This is literally the same shit alot of OG anime fans went through, or elder emo's who survived the mid to late 2000's onslaught of Fox News articles claiming emo kids are terrorists. What's also weird to me is how seeing some people online with Spider-Man pfp's turn around and gather a bunch of their followers to bully someone for "being ugly" or for "ew weird" when the person getting bullied is literally just autistic or have ADHD symptoms. Like, did these people not even put in the effort to watch ANY of the movies? Like I'm not even expecting you to read the comics, just know who the fuck you're putting on your twitter page (yes im calling it twitter fuck you elon musk rat you wannabe Tony Stark ass mf). Like, you would think with how popular Spider-Man is, you'd think most people would be familiar with how Peter got bullied in high school, right? So like you're telling me these people are Spider-Man fans but would turn around and bully Peter simutaneously? Like what the actual fuck, how willfully ignorant are you of your own shitty behavior do you have to be to the point you have a whole ass SUPERHERO as your pfp but then do everything they wouldn't do? It's like having Rage Against the Machine playing on your spacehey profile but then turning around advocating for a whole ass police state like it's a facist wet dream. It's like buying an electric car to "save the planet" but then using a gas powered electric station to charge the damn thing. Make it make fuckin sense.

5 Kudos


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