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Category: Friends

looking for some help with a preoblemmm

so a lil pal of mine… i wanna introduce that guy to rammstein and MAYBE kmfdm but i’m not reallllllyy down to take my chances.

so, lemme describe this fellah:

tall (around 5’9), really skinny but not deathly skinny, a neo nazi, homophobic while being gay himself (he’s just in denial trust me), buzz cut, faces a whole DAMN cheese pie (been this way since iiiiiiidunnoooouuuuu 1989 lol), sensitive but not in the emotional way, never listens to music and if he does then it’s just chinese propaganda tunes, or nazi chimesss

SEEOOOOOWWWWW,, neeeoowwwhh HERE comes the dilemma! 

im friends with him but that guoy sees me as a gyall and since hes lowkeyy misogynistic to make up for the fact that he wanntss ta sleep with his best friend (get it!) and he teases his former BFF (a lil chubby guy who used to be obsessed with legos but now is a full on fuckin METALHEAD?? nirvana, chopping guts or sumn.., koяn, slipknot, some other heavy heavy HEAVY metal bands that i cannae remembers for ze life of ME!! how embarrassing..)

soooo yepppity yep yep yep.. HOW DO I CONVINCE THE LAD TO START LISTENING TO RAMMSTEIN??? i’m convinced he would LOVEEE em but he’s the most stubborn POS ive ever met..

i COULD get his new BFF (lets call him uhmm novica/NV) to start listening to rammstein and he’d probably pass it rightty on to mister class pres. (monsieur in question) but for that i would have to get reallllylyyy close to him or start dating him.. which would be pretty easy honestly? maybe? both of em still see me as a gyal (maybe not novica cuz we used to be vyerrryyy good friends at the start and then we just idunnooo stopped talkimh??? but he mostly knows i despise schmucks treating me as a lass so.. i dunno?? NV isn’t like the biggest nazi known to man.. think he still got SOME normalcy in his seoulll; i hope)

TLDR: i wanna get a guy to listen to rammstein but he’s a neo nazi, hates music that isn’t his usual cup o’ politics, and is very stubborn (also probably despises me) and i dunno whatta ddooo

possible solutions (AT THIS P.I.T): 

1. get closer to him and eventually get him to listen to rammstein (befriend ending; VERY HARD; would take multiple years)

2. start dating his BFF (NV) and getting NV to start listening to rammstein, who will then pass it onta monsieur in question (dating ending; HARD; i would hafta get NV to start liking me and i know his type.. i am NOT his type at ALL; plus he’s not gay… at most he’s bi)

3. get VERYYY close to NV and eventually introduce him to rammstein, he’ll probably pass it on and it’ll maybe reach the stubborn dickhead (befriending the best friend ending; AVERAGE; what em thinkinn of doin’!)

would LOVE more suggestions and tipsss


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rosenzweig's profile picture

why is your most pressing issue with a misogynistic neonazi the fact that he doesn't listen to rammstein

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ehh, that’s just how people are in this country, really the tamest fella outta my class

by krekz; ; Report

i feel like you deserve a non misogynistic non neonazi friend, as a treat

by rosenzweig; ; Report

heh, I wish

by krekz; ; Report