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Category: Friends

quotes: 2

*talking about sushi because Heart's never had it*

Question: will i get food poisoning from gas station sushi? 'cos i've heard some things...-

...i can't guarantee you won't <3-𖤓

what would u rather i say noos? noose? chonny jash reference? storm and a spring by hit cover artist chonny jash?-𖤓

what am i?? whut-  -✩

you're third wheeling. -𖤓

pretty colours -

is that what you're going to say to the face of God when he asks you why you kin a murderer -𖤓

...yes -

*accidentally hits desk* -𖤓

HUH?? WHAT???-✩

*flicks soul* Bronchitis. -𖤓


say.. say connecticut. -𖤓


i cant get dyslexia. i'm vaccinated. -𖤓

*extremely upset, about to cry.* -𖤓

We're beautiful like diamonds in the skYYYAAYYUH-

See, i was gonna say something about him being a leo but I don't believe in geography i just like bullying people so-- GEOGRAPHY????!! -𖤓

What the- dont look at me like that!!!-☾, talking to a fucking FLY.

The carpal tunnel is kicking in!!!! *flips hair*-𖤓

"I can condone smoking weed, but not smut." -𖤓

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Lurah!! (๑>◡<๑)

Lurah!! (๑>◡<๑)'s profile picture

that was NOT me...

(it was me)

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