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Category: Blogging

Why Your Posts Never Get Comments

Have you been asking yourself, "Why don't my SpaceHey posts get any comments?" You are not alone; this is a very common complaint here. Allow me to present you a list of very valid reasons as to why you may not receive any interaction on your blog entries:

1. Your post has been buried in a sea of other posts.

Since people will often sort blog entries by chronological order, whoever posted the most recently gets their stuff read. Sometimes that's you, but most of the time it isn't. Until SpaceHey drastically improves its searching system, we are left to fend for ourselves. 

2. Your post might be hard to relate to.

Sure, you can post about how much you adore some underground indie folk band, but if nobody knows what it is, nobody is going to know how to respond. You give niche, you get niche.

3. Your post is attention-seeking.

You've seen them everywhere, but probably most especially here. When you are blatantly seeking attention, people often won't want to give it to you. Not many people want to fuel the flames, so to speak. 

4. Your post is overly aggressive.

The last thing you want to be is the guy that everybody has to walk on eggshells around. If you express your darkest of thoughts in your posts, don't be too surprised when some people steer away. After all, not many people are seeking out friends who are angry all the time.

5. Your post just isn't interesting.

By all means, post whatever you want on SpaceHey (so long as you're following the rules)! SpaceHey is all about creativity and expressing yourself. However, if your primary objective is to interact with others, you might not achieve that by posting how lame school was today. Consider taking the time to put out the stuff that you yourself would seek out.

These are all things you may want to work on if you hope to interact with others. If you don't care about that, great! Don't let me stifle your creativity, my friends. This is all in good fun.

Much love!

3 Kudos


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