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Category: Life

Odin, the Witch of Orrideen - Witch

I'm Odin, the Witch of Orrideen. 

I started this little blog as just a way to share my journey of witchcraft with other witches who may be starting off brand new in their craft. I wanted to be able to share my adventure with others, while being able to reflect back and remember how far I've grown during this time. 
This little bit is just a "get to know" who I am. I am a 30 year old mother of two boys, I am married to a Canadian who traveled 2k miles from his hometown to marry me and take on a new adventure of his own, a family man. 
I have always been interested in witchcraft. I've always felt it in my soul. The definition of a witch, which google/webster will give you, "a woman thought to have magic powers, especially evil ones, popularly depicted as wearing a black cloak and pointed hat and flying on a broomstick."
The "magic powers" this is referring to, is the intent to manipulate energy into your desired outcome. There is no magic wand or sparkling potion you produce, however cool that would be. I personally do not believe in "evil powers", these "powers" it refers to is energy, energy cannot be good or evil. You can have good intentions or maybe evil intentions, but the energy itself, cannot have a good or bad side. This specific area of conversation is centuries long, each witch has their own views and opinions on this area, but for time saving purposes, I do not believe in "evil energy". 
I have only recently been able to dive deep into witchcraft like I am, current circumstances have given me this freedom. 
The first thing I did was buy books, many, many and many books. Some of them I haven't even had the chance to open, I just want as much knowledge as possible. (I will cover my book recommendations in another blog.) I googled everything I came across and cross referenced everything to ensure what I was reading was well recommended and what I believed in. I joined Discord Server's and subreddits and spent hours upon hours learning about the craft. 

During this time, I found specific areas of witchcraft I was more drawn to than others. When you focus on a main area, witches like to title themselves as that "type" of witch, examples being "Green Witch", "Kitchen Witch", "Chaos Witch", I personally do not like to label myself, I feel that labeling at times puts you in a box, gives you a title and you're then restricted by the things in your box. There is a title/path called "Eclectic Witch" who pulls techniques from each title/path, and uses them as their own. I could call myself an Eclectic Witch but doing so puts me in a box, while calling myself an Eclectic Witch, I would not be wrong, I choose not to label myself as Eclectic. I am a Witch who uses all techniques she finds benefits her own craft. This of course is my own opinion, there are some Witches who do prefer to be addressed by their path, this is their choice and I fully support it. 

During this time of your reading, had you found something offensive, I will not apologize for offending you, I will however apologize if my view at that time was wrong, and my current view does not reflect that, I will grow and improve my perspective. 

If you're still here and excited to see where my journey takes me, I am so happy to have someone to enjoy it with. If you're new, and not sure where to begin, I am here to travel along side of you while you find your own way, there will be paths you take, that I will not but along the way, we will bump into each other again, and I cannot wait to hear the stories of your journey.

As above, so below. 

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