Bibliomania // Horror manga rec + rating // meow

Bibliomania is a short 12 chap manga that takes place inside a book??!??

this manga is liek super short so im not going to far into it but here a short summary


story - we start off with dis little ahh girl like inside a white space until a serpent black butler looking mf shows up, he explains how she's inside a manor and she's in room number 431 and until 666 people go inside this manor is when the "party" will take place. He also explains that the only way to leave is to go to room 000, the challenge is when you leave your room your flesh rots the farther you are away. 

Can Alice make her way to room 000 and leave before the party starts??


this is a SUPER short read so i def recommend if u have like 20 mins to spare

dont go into this thinking its super deep or metaphorical cuz i didnt see anything to suggest that but maybe im jst 2 dumb ;P if u do think so tell me cuz im not sure LOL. It feels like it should but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Art - 5/5 meows!! super dope panels in the last few chapters but all around intresting artstyle and pleasant to look at!!!!1!

story - 6/10 I feel bad for giving a lower rating than other may think i jst couldnt find any deeper meaning or like metasophical value to it. the story overall was cool tho so i cant be a d1 hater

body horror - 3.7?/10 it had some weird scenes but nothing that like grossed me out or look creepy enough to be like sickening to look at. This doesnt take away from the story in the slightest but this doesnt mean character designs where bad; actually they r DOPE!

overall Bibliomania is a short story every1 (regardless of taste) should read for funzie ;P

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