DUDEEEZ we fuckin hate skool x__x we can't wait 2 get out of this place evn if it meanz we got another 3 yearz after this !! wdek why we use we/we're/ourself prnz tbh :p we're not a system but itz just cool sounding ig...? tell us if itz offensive tho x_X ermmm we need 2 listen 2 more KOЯN songz cuz we only have 12 of their songz on our playlist T^T we have like 100+ of Jon and 200+ picz and vidz of them in general soooo! we're so normal tho lolzz >w< itz not as bad as our Twenty One Pilots phase bcuz that was krazyyyy! we don't evn wanna know how many picz and vidz we had of them bcuz it's probably make us sick! and not in a rainbow vomit way either x_X ermmm so thatz probz all we're gonna talk abt 4 now!! we're just gonna be silly for the rest of the day and we might post some more stuff l8r so b ready 4 that >:3
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