carla!!☆'s profile picture

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Category: Life

gtkm ❥


DISCLAIMER: i stole some of these questions from other users so credits to them for making it up, but this is just for fun so don't take it too seriously XD


name: carla 

nickname: tarla (my little cousin could never pronounce my name as a toddler so now my family calls me this at home)

zodiac sign: libra and supposedly an aquarius rising but i have no idea what that actually means  

strengths: making fire spotify playlists 

weaknesses: i literally cannot eat without watching youtube/television

job: i work at a juice bar but im not saying which one. yall don't need to find me. 


what was the last song that you listened too?: beichte by tokio hotel 

how many piercings do you have?: 5. double lobe piercing on each side then a helix piercing on my right ear. I had my nose pierced at one point but it feel at twice and i've never been bothered to re-pierce it

what is something that you want to do but feel like you will regret in the future?: getting a tattoo (i wanna mini star on my wrist so bad, but i'm scared that i'll hate it in the future) AND getting my eyebrow pierced (cause ik that it scars)

what kind of shoes did you wear today?: i was actually meant to wear my leather school shoes but i wore my white DC graffiks instead XD


shoes: i <3 chunky boots sm, especially knee-high cause i'm short. 

food & drink: my favourite food is pasta (especially this one pasta i tried with wagyu beef, red wine and rigatoni). i'm sure about a drink but usually i'd just go for coke. 

song: this is one of those questions that will never have a straight answer. i honestly don't have any favourite. but just to write smth: bring me to life by evanescence (it's one of the songs that got me into the punk/alternative scene from a young age so i have good memories of it)

colour: pink, but mainly black

brands: guess and vintage juicy couture 


coke or pepsi?: coke

city or countryside?: city!!

text or phone calls?: texting cause i can't listen to my music while on the phone ;(

netflix or youtube?: youtube 

snapchat or instagram?: probably instagram

@cuntymami: would you rather ruin your juicy couture in the mud or work at mcdonalds again?: that is sad because i'd rather ruin my juicy couture. i mean i could always wash it again, but i can never take back the TRAUMA from working at mcdonalds. i literally get stressed out just entering a mcdonalds.

iced or hot coffee?: iced coffee all the wayyy

horror or comedy?: comedy

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