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Category: Blogging

Being a good kid gets you nowhere

Okay so by all metrics i'm a pretty good kid i get good grades for the most part i follow rules i don't talk back and you would think i would get some type of reward for this but its the exact opposite if anything i almost get punished for it my mom has extensive rules for when i go somewhere without her and even when i meet all those rules she still tells me no and the few times i do hangout with my friends if my mother considers me to be leaving the house to much she gets upset and stops letting me go she once told me if i had a sleepover with one of my friends that i would not be able to hangout with anyone for two months and because of this i've become for lack of a better term chronically online since im forced to stay in my house so often i've found solace in the internet and because of this my socializing skills have only become worse i've always been shy but in recent years its only got worse and i have what's considered weird interest and its hard for me to truly relate to most people it feels as if there is a wall between me and most people and the only people ive managed to become friends with are also classified as weirdos but at this point im just rambaling so ill get to the point if you are to take any advice from this let it be this do what you want break rules sneak out hangout with your friends dye your hair whatever color you want because you will only have freedom if you take it and trust me when i say you do not want to turn out like me

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⭒✮⭒𝓩𝓲𝓟𝓟𝓨⭒✮⭒'s profile picture

You still have time to do all those things! I know its hard but you gotta live your life !!!!

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