Marsinya's profile picture

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Category: Web, HTML, Tech

My first published code: Hoverbox Gallery (DEMO)

This allows you to add a gallery that displays a bigger image when hovering an icon/thumbnail. Follow the instructions inside the code.

Credit is optional. Though I highly appreciated if you add my name (Marsium) somewhere.

You can use this in multiple ways like:

  • Expand images (art, photographs, gifs, ect.)
  • Display list/favorites (characters, music albums, games, shows, and movies)
  • Text only (aka tooltips. Useful for spoilers)
  • Mini-profiles (OCs and plural systems)
  • Collections (small images like blinkies)

Please do not remove or change my name in the code.


Check my profile to see how I use it to create a gallery of my favorite characters

Comment if you are going to use it :D
Feedbacks are welcome!

You are freely to stylized it with HTML & CSS. If you don't know how, you can request in the comments have it stylized and I'll design it for you based on your profile layout.

I hope you like it! (´。• ω •。`) ♡


16 Kudos


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shirubā pupa

shirubā pupa's profile picture

i added it to my page (finally.. picking a favorite characters wasn’t fun) it’s easy to use/edit!! and look CUTEEE xx

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