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Category: Life

21st B-day.

Today is my 21st birthday, my mother has decided to pay a visit for the first time in 17 years. I don't know how to feel, she's also bringing her current fiancé and my uncle, I don't think I am scared, but I am not entierly thrilled either.. I just wish I could look past the fact she abandoned me when I was young, but I can't. Too much going on in my brain.

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♱ Stevie

♱ Stevie's profile picture

i get it, i've got an awful relationship with my mom as well. if you're happy to see her then i hope you have an awesome time. you don't need to look past what she did, you should always consider how she's hurt you when interacting with her, it makes setting boundaries a lot easier. at least that's what i do with my mom and it's made life simpler for me. good luck and happy birthday!

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Thank you for the kind words, I've never been a huge fan of her and today will most likely be the make or break if I ever have anything to do with her again. If I enjoy it, and we have good talks, then all's right, but if it's miserable I'll stick to ignoring her. I mean hey, free food and drinks I guess!

by Elle; ; Report