Not the first scandal at my school

Some days ago, a guy in my class (who is also my neighbor) made a lifestream on instagram where he recorded his friend and that friends Gf during sex. Half of the school saw it but I just saw the screenshots some other students took. I wish I didnt. All 3 of them think its funny and I dont know if they get some kind of punishment. I know that my neighbors mom will get a letter from the school but thats it. This place just doesnt care anymore and no one was really shocked cause at this point it isnt surprising. Cant wait to leave this school next yearπŸ™„

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Karne's profile picture

I think that's better than what happens in my classroom. One of the couples of the class were touching in 'improper places' in the middle of the class

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Bruh what

by Lexie; ; Report

I reacted the same when other classmate told me

by Karne; ; Report


hyperview's profile picture

when i was in 6th grade, the principal got arrested for sexting minors from our school under an alias, posing as an 8th grader. he was sentenced to 25 years.

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As he should!

by Lexie; ; Report


π•Ήπ–Žπ–π–Žπ–Š's profile picture

This is honestly just normal highschool shit tbh. We had numerous people when I was in school leak stuff or have sex in the bathrooms etc. Not really much you can do to prevent it especially in large schools

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Yeah the restrooms are like a brothel here too but when I told other ppl in my country the wouldnt believe me so I guess its just not typical over here

by Lexie; ; Report

Where do you reside if you don't mind me asking? I'm in the US so degeneracy is pretty common in the urban areas.

by π•Ήπ–Žπ–π–Žπ–Š; ; Report

Im from and live in germany. So sorry, if I do a lot of of grammar mistakes im not completely fluent yet

by Lexie; ; Report

Germany is cool :). Also do not apologize, your English is actually incredibly good. Especially so if it's not your first language, which is what I would I would have assumed if you hadn't told me lol

by π•Ήπ–Žπ–π–Žπ–Š; ; Report

This boosted my confidence thank you!

by Lexie; ; Report