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Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities

[R] The Wolf of Wall Street

Take in the scent of the railcars next time you ride the train. Take in the tight cushioned seats, the rusted metal bars. Imagine faces in the chipped paint. Take a walk through the carefully planned out roads, take in every methodically placed tree. Look up at the manufactured horizon, the sterilized skyways between steel beamed landmarks. Remind yourself that all of this was intentional, designed, and you weren't a part of it. At work daydream of a life of meaning and control, of building your own landmarks, designing your own skyline, and wonder how you'd get there. You can't. You never will. You're stuck because your heart is filled with love, your mind filled with aspirations. You're trapped because you helped that homeless girl get back on her feet.

Are you unhappy? Are you scared? Are you okay?

You're not powerless. To love is to define your own meaning, to take control of what's been left to you. In an ugly world, be the most beautiful you that you can be. To achieve the power that's been romanticized you lose everything but money, money talks, money controls. But I love you dearly. I believe in you. You're perfect.

This movie is a brilliant delivery of this message, and I hope that the message, in plain text here or through subtext, finds you, because I mean it. I love you.

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