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Category: Religion and Philosophy

im absurdist (TW: mention of s*icide)

I like to live as an absurdist

absurdism is a type of philosophy belief that says "the world is, at its core, indifferent and impenetrable toward human attempts to uncover its deeper reason or that it cannot be known"

isnt that just being hedoinistic or acceptistic?

NO, it means that this life cannot be inerpreted nor described with a meaning, therefore we will never know the truth so you can refuse knowing anymore, you just go and thats all.

it means it has no sense and no meaning behind it, but its not in the sad nihilism type of thinking, see, there is a lot of ways to avoid and give up to the question of why are we here, one of these is (sadly) suicide, a way to avoid all of the ways to think and live sad in our world.

but nobody wants to go to that route really (you really dont) so, if life doesnt matter and nothing has a meaning then why are we here? are we here to be happy?? to find something??? well, for me, the answer is yes and no. Life is full of weird things that happen a lot, we will never know how or why but it happens and there is no really a big reason of why this exist or happend, they just do, and i think its dumb to try to find a secret meaning behind life and living.

We are here to just live and see the absurd things that happen, we can do whatever we want cause in the end, nothing matters, everything goes and its scary but i guess we can live with the weirdness in our lifes, cant we??

also i think like this cause of EEOAO LOL, but what u think? i wanna know more abt ur thinking and im kinnda new at philosophy so yeah, NOTHING MATTERS!!!!11!111!!!! >W<

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V1ct0r's profile picture

this was so yum to read, i love ur brain

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