Zombi3b1t3z XP's profile picture

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Category: Life


If you guys are feeling down or need someone to talk to, you can either dm me, talk to a trusted adult or friend or call one of these helplines. We want you here <3

For English and Spanish speakers, call: 988

Australia: 131114

or if you don't want to talk to someone you don't know, some things you can say to just reach out to ppl you know are:

I don't want to die, but I don't want to live. Can we talk right now?

I'm struggling a lot right now, and I just need someone to talk to right now, are you free to talk?

For LGBTQ+ or questioning youth, you can contact:


On there you can talk about anything, gender identity, sexuality crisis', or if you just need to talk, they have amazing counselors and an amazing community

Don't be afraid to reach out, if you feel like nobody is there for you, trust me there is. It may not be a parent, but it will be a friend or vice versa. Just do your best to reach out, i know it seems hard and its corny to say it gets better, but it does. It may take days, weeks, months, and even years. But just know there will be a time when it gets better <3

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Moufy's profile picture

not everyone is as much as a based chad as me Ill just bottle up my emotions until i die because thats what men are forced to do

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by Zombi3b1t3z XP; ; Report