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Category: Music

why you should listen to mc lars, and why hes the best musical artist

lets start with my favourite song by him, hot topic is not punk rock. this song is a musical masterpeice of the past 2 decades, and will contiue to be and heres why:

first of all, he is able to rap and sing in genres that are normally heavily censored around profaniaty and sexual topics. which in my opinion, is really cool, he raps in it with a punk/punk rock sound and feel. but without the curse words! also he talks about cool topics in this music, not just sex, drugs, girls, and money. like most rap and hip hop songs do (atleast ones ive heard) also he is able to keep that feel of CLASSIC hip hop, punk, emo, and some other genres that i feel like some musical artists have lost their touch with. yes you can get that feel by listening to classic hip hop and those genres, but youre not going to get more of it. in the song hot topic is not punk rock he is basically calling out posers and fakers for being "punk rock" when they arnt, the song is listing things that arnt punk rock, stuff like:

Hello Kitty iPod cases (Are not punk rock!)

Rob Zombie lunch boxes (Are not punk rock!)

Slipknot binder paper (Is not punk rock!)

Tinkerbell pillow cases (Are not punk rock!)

Led Zeppelin air fresheners (Are not punk rock!)

Misfits candle tins (Are not punk rock!)

ICP throw blankets (Are not punk rock!)

Beaded Elvis curtains (Are not punk rock!)

Talking Lambchop plush dolls (Are not punk rock!)

AC/DC hair clips (Are not punk rock!)

Spongebob wristbands (Are not punk rock!)

Sex Pistols boxer shorts (Are not punk rock!)

Dischord back catalog (Okay. Maybe that's punk rock.)

(lyrics are copy pasted). these are things that arnt punk rock, obviously, thats what the song is about! "hot topic is not punk rock" these are things that hot topic sells (more or less, i dont go in the often, and when i do its not EXACLTY what in the list of lyrics, also this song was made in 2006... i wasnt alive. maybe they did have this stuff in hot topic, i wuldnt know) later on in the song he talks about what IS!! punk rock:

DIY ethics are punk rock

Starting your own label is punk rock

G.G. Allin was punk rock.

he talks about the stuff punk is about! DIY is very important in punk, because when it was made/popluar/known, whatever word you want to use for it, DIY was important because not alot of people who were/are in punk culture cant/dont want to afford how expecive some stuff is. also, punk is about being resoursefull! not wastefull, safty pins, chains, patches and many other things are stuff people use in their punk clothes! things needed and used for DIY clothes. its about the personal expression and cheap aspect of DIY while still having a statement and being affordable. 

mc lars then goes on talking about the history of hot topic, what its doing, and what you could do better than shop at hot topic:

Hot Topic is a contrived identification with youth subcultures to manufacture an anti-authoritarian identity and make millions. The $8 you paid for the Mudvayne poster would be better spent used to see your brother's friend's band.

But when a crass corporate vulture feeds on mass-consumer culture, this spending mommy's money is not punk rock!
hot topic is benifiting off of the want to be different and indaviduality around the youth and the subcultures they are in, mainly ones like goth, emo, punk, scene, and some others! theres ALOT of subculturs and im not educated enough to list them all >_< instead of spending your money at hot topic, which is benefitting off of subcultures indevualtiy and want to stand out amonust the "people they arnt like" or the "basic people" you can spend it on someones small buisness! thats what punks about, being self sustainable for fashion and other things, not relying on expencive clothes from some store that has lost the roots it was founded in. but dont get me wrong, hot topic as a buisness itself and its history is fanicating, ansonashing, and inspering to know. i wont talk about its history as it is unessasary and not important to my point here but if you think itll be cool, reasurch it! i highly reccomend it!

next song, another one of my favourites. download this song:
what he rapps about in this song is actually pretty educational in my opinion, along with alot of stuff about music thats funny but still true.

It's 2006, the consumer's still pissed

Won't take it anymore so I'm writing a list

Don't try to resist this paradigm shift

(edit: 9/12/23. i didnt finish this, i might finish it later but idk)

7 Kudos


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