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Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities

[R] Voices of a Distant Star

Lately I've been going through a lot of media that reminds me of all the things I never said to all of the people I've left behind. After watching 5 Centimeters per Second and seeing a very real, very raw, very grounded version of that story, going back and watching Voices of a Distant Star was refreshing in a sense. They've got aliens, mechs, space ships, blood, the works. I appreciate that about it, and I appreciate it having really dated and ugly CGI. I thought that was sick, it felt very practical, very rustic. Like if they didn't use CG for the robots and aliens the movie's budget would become a bottomless hole. I don't have anything artful or insightful to say that I didn't also have to say about 5 Centimeters per Second, which really is just a better version of this film. But there's something so charming about looking at the first works of a director you really admire. Seeing their rough, outlandish ideas that would later turn into your favourite works. Something really beautiful that you don't see in more refined work. And that something is a plasticy green cgi alien that explodes into a pool of blood.

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