◇☆Ash☆◇'s profile picture

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Category: Life



name:: Ash/Ashton

how old?:: 14

my birthday:: July 24th

where am I from:: USA🦅🦅🇺🇲

where am I living now:: USA🇺🇲🦅🦅

what year am I in in school:: 9th😪


hair color:: brown😋

eye color:: hazel

face shape:: like circle idfk

body shape:: hourglass apparently💀

piercings:: jut my ears sadly (planning getting my doubles soon)

tattoos:: none yet 

style:: grudge ig


color:: sage green 

animal:: cats

actor:: matpat🥰

actress:: no

artist:: Mitski 

band:: probably system of a down

song:: probably a Lovejoy song or Mitski

lyric:: idfk💀

quote:: "we gooping and we gunken"

food:: Baked Ruffles cheddar and sour cream 

meal:: steak and baked potatoes 

soft drink:: bule slushy 

chocolate:: Carmel 

candy:: gummies🥰

place:: idfk

childhood memory:: me and my sister idk

recent memory:: talking my sister (love her 2 death)

ice cream flavor:: COOKIE DOUGH‼️‼️

TV show:: uhh 

Movie:: any of the Guardians of the Galaxy movies

Book:: belivearexic 

girls name:: ??

boys name:: ??

youtuber:: thefamousfilms

website:: spacehey 

celebrity:: uhhhhhh georgenotfound...

word:: goo goobie

sport to play:: volleyball 

sport to watch:: Baseball

piecing:: Snake bites😈

tattoo:: a crown and a sword with a grave on the side of my leg

music genre:: inde rap ig 


single/taken:: taken

got a crush:: no

name:: no 

age:: no

how long have I like them:: no

how close are you guys:: no

Favorite thing about them:: no 


sexuality:: Demisexual

a secret:: I have a guitar but do not want to learn

a strange fact:: I have a British flag in my room (I have 0 ancestry that is British)

any addictions:: yeah me falling for you (I have 0 rizz)

Have you ever

been in love:: yeah

been kissed:: yes 

been on a date:: probably but not been considered as one??

rejected someone:: nope

been rejected:: No 

Failed a class:: most definitely 

Failed a year:: no (I'm not that dumb)

Been suspended:: nope 

Been expelled:: I wish

snuck out:: oh yeah

got stage fright:: sadly yes😪

been to a concert:: yes

Met someone famous:: not IRL

been to a fair:: yes

been to a carnival:: possibly??

been to a circus:: no

been on a ship::yes

been on a train:: I WANT TO😭

driven a car:: kinda 

crashed a car:: I crashed a golf cart 

Been in an accident:: yes (I was the driver)

Had a near death experience:: my head go spliced open and doctors had to glue my head shut

been to a festival:: yes a

had an obsession:: Yes. Too many.

baked a cake:: yes

Been happy:: yes

Been depressed:: yes

Had a serious illness:: maybe??

Painted:: yeah

sold something:: my dignity

run a marathon:: fuck that

helped a charity:: yep!:)

bought someone flowers:: yez

been bought flowers:: no

cried in front of someone:: yes sirr

Danced in front of someone:: not really

performed on stage:: no fuck that 


separated parents?:: nope

siblings?:: 2

how old:: 16 and 23

do you get along:: horrible ( Except my sister lover to death)

are you adopted:: no

do you wish you were adopted:: no

do you like your home:: it mid

do you want to leave:: yes

to where:: Idfk

 Buying things

favorite clothing shop:: shein or ragstock and thrift stores

do you wear makeup:: yes

how much:: concealer and eyeliner 

makeup shop:: idfk

favorite fast food place:: taco bell or Applebee's 


did u like this quiz?:: yeah ig

quiz rating:: 6/10

are you having a good day:: no

0 Kudos


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