L0V3z1CK_PuP's profile picture

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Category: SpaceHey


- Basic DNI criteria (Zoophile/MAP/homophobic/transphobic/xenophobic/ect)

- If you use any "cringe" subreddits (r/DIDcringe, r/xenogendercringe, r/FakeDisorderCringe, ect), or ones mainly centered around hate or bullying (ex. r/fatlogic)

- Exclusionist (against mspec gays/lesbians, contradictory labels, ect) , TERF/radfem, transmed, anti-xenogender/neopronouns

- Transid/transx (transabled, transrace, ect), pro harmful/non-consensual paraphilia, radqueer

- Anti-self diagnosis, anti-recovery, syscourse, fakeclaimers, western tulpamancy & supporters

- Proshippers & proship discourse

- Anti-kin, anti-therian, anti-furry

(copy and pazted from our collective acc)


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