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Category: SpaceHey

don't let zcene gatekeeperz ztop you!

Translation at the bottom!

zometh1ng 1ve not1ced a lot lately 1z people call1ng other zcene folkz (moztly younger k1dz) ""pozerz"" for l1k1ng zcenecore/new gen zcene or not "1ndulg1ng enough" 1n zcene th1ngz. zay1ng th1ngz l1ke "1tz not zcene 1tz juzt gl1tchcore/hyperpop/whatver"

1m here 2 tell u, az zome1 who l1kez and 1ndulgez 1n both zcene and zcenecore, 2 1gnore thoze ppl. zcene over the yearz haz changed juzt l1ke any other zubculture haz! u can zt1ll enjoy old zkool zcene the zame way u uzed 2, but not everyone haz 2. ezpecally not k1dz who werent even al1ve at zcene'z pr1me! of courze th1z verzion of zcene 1znt go1ng 2 b the zame

we zhould be welcom1ng change and the fact k1dz now dayz even TH1NK about learn1ng bout our l1ttle culture! everyth1ng 1 za1d goez for zcenemo and emo zubculturez az well!


Something I've noticed a lot lately is people calling other scene folks (mostly younger kids) ""posers" for liking scenecore/new gen scene or not "indulging enough" in scene things. Saying things like "it's not scene, it's just glitchcore/hyperpop/whatever"

Im here to tell you, as someone who likes and indulges in both scene and scenecore, to ignore those people. Scene over the years has changed just like any other subculture has! You can still enjoy old school scene the same way you used to, but not everyone has to. Especially not kids who weren't even alive at scene's prime! Of course this version of scene isn't going to be the same

We should be welcoming change and the fact kids nowadays even THINK about learning about our little culture! Everything I said goes for scenemo and emo subcultures as well!

4 Kudos


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