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Category: Games

things i like 2 play w/ :D

O.K. sooOOOooo likkee,, i rlly like figeting/playing w/ diffrent stuffs so i wanted to blog abt things i like 2 play w/ :)!! i rlly like fashion dolls that u can like put diffrent clothes on and like make it seem like they have a HUGGE wardrobe!!! Its just so mesmorizing colecting tons of diffrent things for them! Also being able to do their hair to match the outfits is totes fun! i dont play w/ dolls anymore tho since im getting lots older and its kinda childish tbh T_T,, but i still LUVLUVLUV them!!! Also, i love playing with keys/keychains too! i love those keychains with the liek liquid inside them u can play around with!! its sooo mesmorizing -v-!! also those fluffy like pusheen kechains are LITERATLEY MY FAV ^^!!!! their so fluffy and stuffs and i luv just touching the round little thing and its sooo AHHHHH!!!!!!! okey this blog is getting a lil long and i dont wanna write like A TON A TON of stuff per blog but yea i just felt like typing down some stuffs i like!! DA END!! :D

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