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Category: Life

Saturday: dull --> smoke 🚬 --> achieved

Now again starting a new Seamonkey Composer, adding a style="margin: 1em auto; max-width: 50em;" in the source code tab to the body tag, starting a new paragraph and setting alignment to justified —

But yesterday was set to be a depressive day as it began to dawn at me again that I neglected to inject myself with estradiol when I still could and the executive function already felt like i'm no longer capable of getting myself to do it.

After a good wakeup, although bringing me some interpersonal surprises in chat while I was still in bed, I still managed to toy a bit with my newly OpenWrt-flashed router where I tried getting a node of Syncthing, my p2p private file synchronization software of choice, to run on it, at one point ending up with the installation, despite being done onto a pendrive, making my router run out of tmp/RAM and reboot after a while of making me worry I'd have to reflash it. I later ended up managing to install it but not to the point of adjusting all the paths to have it run.

Around noon, however, the low started to feel bad, and realization was hitting me with how I haven't taken care of myself enough for a while. I went onto the balcony to water the basils and at some point I realized it's a beautiful day outside and sat down staring at the surroundings with longing to go out.

Not being any good in that state with the prerequisites which would be to take a shower, I resolved that my only way to spend a bunch of good moments in the sun immediately would be to fetch a hat and use some nicotine. It so happened that my vape apparently got a case of DRM hindering my a-while-unused cartridge, but I could still steal a thin cig from my quasi-gf.

And that's how the good part of the day started.

I spent some very pleasurable bunch of minutes with the sun heating my skin well and enjoying the pleasurable chills from effects of nicotine. Looking around at the beautiful day. And then I went back in and shortly after took to enjoy a shower.

When I finished, had a meal and then came to desk, thoughts brought me to check up on the status of a hackerspace slowly trying to emerge in the city, then to revisiting smolweb, then to

the realization that

  • having Syncthing the p2p private file synchronization software and
  • forgetting for a moment that most apps these days decide to ditch saving to a shared directory from Android 12 onwards because of troublesome permission management

lets me replace Google Location History
  • with something more self-hosted
  • without even putting up a central host
  • as long as I just get a bit optimistic about persistent service uptime on an Android phone

so I resolved to look up again those location tracker apps on F-Droid / IzzyDroid. As a result

  • I installed com.mendhak.gpslogger (https://gpslogger.app/) which turned out to manage persistent run very well with the notification actually being neat to see (seeing uptime and stuff in a normally just cluttering notification is just somewhat rewarding) and with just being given the permission to manage all files turned out perfectly able to write a GPX&CSV to my chosen location in the shared storage

  • The home screen recommended to me ru.aleshin.timeplanner which I ended up installing and trying out.

After having set up the former I resolved to stop toying with stuff for a while and I started rethinking my fediverse presence and general online presence, adjusting some details of my accounts, and instead opening a separate Seamonkey Composer window and writing a rant post about how I cringed seeing about maybe updating a "Skills & areas of interest" page describing myself that I once wrote.

Then toying with TimePlanner ended up capturing the rest of my day and my whole Sunday. My pragma of using it has been evolving throughout the next 24 hours and the day has actually been pretty fun, despite not going outside at any point of the weekend. I will write on its usage in (probably) the next post (Note: if the post is still not linked here, it pretty sure doesn't yet exist)

— *goes to the source code tab to grab the code from within the body tag*

0 Kudos


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