salutations, internet
haven't done a blog post in a while buuuut.... yesterday was my birthday!!! i am 15 now
i have been waiting for enough interesting stuff to happen to make a post and i don't have a lot right now but i am gonna make one anyways
a few days ago, august 30th to be specific, i got suuuper wasted with my friends
i didn't been to end up on the verge of blackout drunk, i just over esptimated how much i needed to feel tipsy enough to like reeeaally feel it but not throw up or anything (i threw up like 5 times)
my friends didn't have nearly as much as me, probably just a buzz if anything so i basically drank half a bottle of vodka myself. and i practically chugged it too
this was my attempt at not letting a single drop go to waste
so we're under a bridge by train tracks (best place to be when shitfaced. totally 100% safe) and i have to piss REALLY bad AND my dad messaged me and asked me to buy him chips (he does not know of the nefarious activities i have been getting up to) and i said yes
my friend tells me to piss in the woods but i deny, i have not lost my dignity yet
this means our goal was to get to food basics to aquire chips and to piss, which is super close to where we were. however, i could literally not stand on my own
my friends decied to test how sober i can pretend to be (usually relatively easy) by having one of them pretend to be the cashier
i try to stand up and walk over and i tumble sideways and roll on the ground laughing
then, i try again, this time kneeling on the ground
i don't remember if i was able to talk like i was sober but if we didn't head off now i was gonna piss my pants so we have no choice but to say it's good enough
also, it's nearing 5 o'clock, which is when one of my friends has to go to guitar lessons!!!!!
we set off for food basics
the journey was long and i got several bruises and scratches that i didn't know about until the next day
i walking into bushes, talking probabaly a bit too loudly, and hanging off my one friend because again, i literally could not stand up
however, before i knew it (because i forgot part of it), i was pissing in the food basics bathroom!!!!!
one of my friends was at the check out getting the chips and the other was waiting outside the bathroom to babysit me
then i teleport to the picnic table outside the guitar lessons place
i actually don't remember getting there except for a few blips of parking lot and sidewalk
we're sitting on the picnic table talking i think and then my friend leaves for his guitar lesson and i dramatically reach out as he leaves
i am devistated
then i forget about it and probabaly start talking to my friend that is at the picnic table
i don't remember much of being at the picnic tables exept for throwing up and it being pink (because the vodka i had was mixed in with a cream soda) and then the last time i threw up it was totally clear
(i had forgetten to eat food)
eventually, my friend is back from guitar but he departs soon after to buy me a water
according to the internet, water doesn't atcually help you sober up so it just gave my stomache more to throw up
the next thing i know i am getting into my friend's mom's car
i stare out the window, looking at my plastic water bottle that i forgot under the picnic table
i promis myself to return for it
i haven't done so yet and it could very well be gone but if it is, that doesn't matter much since it probably should have thrown it away instead of reusing it anyways
i totally could have said something about how i want to go get my water bottle since they hadn't started driving yet, but i can not muster up any words or movments without feeling like i am about to throw up again
everything after that until the next morning is blips of telling my friend's mom "thanks for driving" and telling my parents i am very tired and then passing out on my bed
i am able to play off the tiredness as from the fact that before i went out with my friends, i was at my grandparents house and my little cousins wanted me to do yoga and workouts and gymnatics
my parents laugh with me, and they are none the wiser of the downright sinful amounts of vodka i had consumed the day before
so sorry if there are spelling mistakes, i do not feel like re reading everything
in other news, school starts in 2 days
i do not know how to feel about that
i am gonna be in a brand new building, which will be cool i guess but also it'll be super chaotic since even the teachers won't know where they're going
i have no classes with my bff (the guitar kid)
i would have had music with him since they're only one grade 10 music class but he took guitar instead (i guess that's why he's the guitar kid)
i have other people i'm friends with/that i know and we cold be friends if we talked more in other classes but no classes with my BEST friend
this has got to be a crime
we can see eachother at lunch though
also, my schedule is:
- music, yayyy!!! loud for homeroom but i love clarinet
- a class that's not even a class you're just supposed to work on unfinished work but i never have any and it's mandatory attendance (glorified detention)
- history, idk if it's gonna be cool or not. i think it depends on the teacher, but there are 2 kids in this class that i know and 1 of them seems super cool and we can be friends (he's a friend of my best friend) and the other is... and interesting character. he's kinda nice though, like he's friendly. and he's reeaallly good at origami he gave me some birds and stuff before
- french, it was easy last year but i'm not very good at french so i hope i don't fail
- science!!!! last year (second semester) i had science as my homeroom (i was super tired) and i still got an A in it. i love science, i'm good at science, this should be fun
overall, unless french and history end up sucking ass this should be an ok semester
next semester however, i have math for my homeroom
i like math but i don't think i'm particularily good at it, especially if i am disracted so that isn't going to be good first thing in the morning
maybe having kids blaring classically music every morning during first semester will get me used to being awake and focused at 8am
all the rest of second semester should be a breeze though, i have english, art, and 2 that i don't know what they are but i thiiiink that they're like "what do you wanna do when you're older?? what's your plan for after secondary?? what classes do you need to take to acheave that?? do you know how to be a good, productive citizen??" since they're mandatory and the names of them kinda feel like that. whatever they are, it can't be too hard (let's hope i didn't just jinx it)
and then of course i have the nothingness class at the very end of the day. when i will be the most focused and awake and ready to leave
i'll survive it though
(or i'll skip it a bunch)
or i'll find a cool teacher with a planning period at the end of the day and i have hang out there instead
this has been a suuuuuuuper long post so i am ending it here
good bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh btw i got an mcr shirt for my birthday woo hoo!!!
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