I noticed over the past few days there was a particular blog that gathered alot of interactions... if I remember correctly it was a rant surrounding the topic of xenogenders and mental-illnesses. It was quite a word-y post but when I skimmed through the it, it was something along the lines of how xenogenders make the LGBT+ community look bad (take that with a grain of salt pls I only vaguely remember).
The last time I checked the blog (around 2 days ago??) there was around 300-ish kodus and 200-ish comments. The comments varied from insults against the original blog creator, constructive criticism, people sharing their opposing views, comments of agreement etc.
Seeing that SpaceHey is a website based around socializing and interacting with other users - and there are thousands of users, it's obvious that some of the opinions shared by fellow blog users my not align with your beliefs/ you may not agree with them, and that's 100% okay. A simple 'Block User' would suffice. But making nasty remarks about the creator of said blog, or any blog that you do not agree with should never be tolerated.
When I logged in today and looked at the 'Top Blog Entries' section I noticed that the post was no longer there. I looked through my browser history to when I previously looked at the creator of said post profile - only to find out that it has been suspended. The reason? 'This user violated the SpaceHey Rules and/or Terms of Service.'
Please note, I haven't been on SpaceHey long enough to know what clicking the link of a profile that has been deleted by it's owner looks like. But from my understanding, for a profile to be suspended it must be reported by a number of people.
I'm hoping that the creator of said post did not have their account mass-reported for simply having an opinion. If yes, then that is extremely alarming. Within the past few days I noticed an influx of gore accounts and now users are being censored for simply having an opinion?? It's super dis-heartening to see, honestly.
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cleo !!
i remember that post too, i had a bunch of comment replies apparently but couldn't see any of them. i also dont remember the op's user. if they did get mass reported, then thats just so incredibly stupid
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