woodlouse's profile picture

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Category: Life

self care & life help/advice posts <333

none of these are by me, creds to the respective tumblr users in the screenshots! the screenshots are off of pinterest just cus its easier to link from there

these are actually practical and really helped me so i thought id pass it on <3

reminder that you dont have to follow a rigid plan for things to work, its okay for things to wrong and to have rough patches because thats just part of being human :)))

remember to drink plenty of water and rest your eyes, love you all!!

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tigertorment's profile picture

as someone with adhd it really doesn’t help me to organize or plan because im so used to not doing things in that way so it helps to at least know where your things are no matter the order or how neat they are, even if its messy as shit it still helps to at least have a general area for them. as far as planning goes, if you wanna go to the park with your friends or something, try to ask them earlier that day if they can go later instead of waiting a big long while for something which might not even happen

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sunni 's profile picture

so important omg thank you for this! :)

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aah ur so welcome!! ty!!

by woodlouse; ; Report