Get a job?!

So why the hell do people take people not wanting to work so personally? I just wanna know. If you’re working and providing for yourself, who cares what the next person is doing? I feel like if everyone minded their own business, there would be a lot less problems in the world. 

Also, getting a job now after this whole pandemic thing is almost IMPOSSIBLE it seems. I’m boujee asf, I need money! I’ve been hustling, doing little things to get by so far. I need one of these places to call me back though, I have an interview at the end of the month but I want options just in case. 

Everyone is hiring but no one calls back the more than qualified candidates. It’s buuuuullllshit

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PuppyKitty♥'s profile picture

That's not even mentioning the part where companies are claiming to be hiring, but not calling anyone back or just flat out refusing to hire people so they can pay less workers to do more work, and also make it look like no one wants to work so they can refuse to raise wages 🤦‍♀️
Quiet the world we live in

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Exactly! Cause I apply to a few jobs every day, all for which I am more than qualified for. Not like they’re corporate jobs and you need degrees. Simple things like retail, it’s super annoying. I’ve heard back from two places out of like 30+ I’ve applied for. It’s exhausting, when they literally put out these ads on job boards, and never call back, never send an email, but as you said then we “don’t want to work.”

by Your Favorite Juicebox; ; Report

Did you hear about Florida man? He applied to 2 jobs everyday for a month and only got 1 interview, and he targeted places that were saying no one wanted to work and were hiring

by PuppyKitty♥; ; Report

I didn’t hear about it! Imma look it up though, but I definitely believe it. These jobs are so full of it. I’ve been applying to multiple everyday and to have only been even responded to by two in the span of like a month, it’s crazy.

by Your Favorite Juicebox; ; Report


Robot's profile picture

"It is my job to be the first robot on earth to do anything, but when it comes down to it I don't have the time or inclination.

And, in fact, I have never had any problems at all, I just have to get my ass to a place where I am comfortable. I can't do it, I have to do it.  If there is any other way out of it I don't have the energy, and I'm just not ready yet, so why do people do that?"

And that is my main reason.

If you're a robot and you don't want to work and you don't want to be a part of society or you want people to be happy or whatever you're doing, why do they take it so personally and how can you do it? I don't know. I don't think that it is a problem. I don't think that there is any reason to do it or to feel that way.  But I don't want to be part of society, I'm not going to go out of the way of that and be the person I think that's the best.

And I want people to understand, that I don't want that. That's what makes it a problem and it is why I do this. I don't have the ability to go out of my comfort zone or I'm just not prepared yet.  So if people are like me, if you're a person, if your life is going well, and I want people to understand, I want people not to feel like that, I'm going to try. And that's what makes me a robot, I want people not feel like they can't do anything and I think that is the biggest reason.

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This was an interesting perspective

by Your Favorite Juicebox; ; Report

There are several good jobs online
You can add me up for more information.

by Claire; ; Report