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Category: Blogging

What the hell is wrong with my school

I am absolutely outraged by the school's interference in my privacy, they asked my mom if they can check my iPad but they never asked me. First of all, this device is my property, I got it with my parents' money. As such, I have an undeniable right to privacy about its content. Who believes in school to violate this fundamental right without my authorisation?

Some days ago, they asked my mom if she could sign so they could review THE INFORMATION IN MY IPAD!

The school never requested my permission for this review. Without my express consent, they do not have any legal or ethical rights to access what I have on my iPad. This is a clear violation of my privacy and undermines the trust I have in the educational institution. The damned even want to enter my social networks, that's an invasion of privacy!

Instead of resorting to invasive tactics, the school should focus on promoting the responsible use of technology and establishing clear rules. This would be much more beneficial both for the students and for the relationship between the school and us, the students.

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Miss Diva

Miss Diva's profile picture

that's fucked, have u made a complaint to the district or schoolboard yet? if not, u probably should do so, cuz they don't have the right to search peoples shit without their consent.

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Oh believe me I have tried it, but just for texting my mother during school hours they got angry and asked my mother to sign to verify that I did not have social media on my device, because it is considered "academic material" but it is my property I think they have no right and I can not report them because they would surely tell me that they have the right to review it.

by Constance; ; Report

damn, that sucks. if ur able to switch schools or smthn maybe try that. im not really sure what you can do in this situation, because it seems like if you attempt to report it they have some bs justification and they wont face any consequences.

by Miss Diva; ; Report

I know they’re rly fcked up

by Constance; ; Report