i need to talk about good omens or i'll go insane

-the fact that despite how in season one they made a point that aziraphale's the only angel that dances, crowley says 'you don't dance' in episode 5

-the joy in crowley's eyes when he's making maggie and nina's rainstorm (additionally, how aziraphale tries to change the bentley to yellow because "it's pretty")


-nina presuming that he and aziraphale are a couple- more specifically "he's not my bit on the side, he's far too pure of heart to be anyone's bit on the side! he's just an angel... i know..." crowley for the love of hell please tell me his presumed purity isn't the reason you've waited this long to tell him

-"i'm not taking you to hell, angel. i don't think you'd like it there"

-if crowley can tell when the bentley goes under the speed limit (etc.), that means the car is basically an extension of him- and when aziraphale parks it outside of give me coffee or give me death, it starts slowly rolling toward aziraphale (also, when the bentley exploded in season one, crowley must have felt it). Also, prior to aziraphale calling it "our car", shax/beelzebub/etc. could pop into the bentley  whenever they like, but after he says that shax has to gain permission to enter

-"i knew you would come through for me, you always do" "well, you said trust me" "and you did"

-drunk crowley is way more funny than he should be (nOoO moOrE dYiN)

-!!BILDAD THE SHUITE!! (what, you don't think they wear shoes in shua?)

-crowley had to stand there and watch as archangel gabriel, the one who told aziraphale (well, crowley disguised as aziraphale) to 'shut his stupid mouth and die' got the happy ending he'd always wanted (additionally, the way he mentions alpha centuri, where he's always wanted to visit, and aziraphale starts gazing at him with a look of slight realization)

-"can i get a wahoo"

-the way aziraphale changes the cracked phone screen's background from the english flag to the scottish flag when he fixes it (not a huge thing, i just think it's funny) (i feel the need to also mention "twitter and grindr, whatever they may be")

-the bookshop is literally the crowley colors- darks and reds and yellow rooms etc etc

-"when gabriel smites you, you've been... smited? smote?" "smitten, i believe" *looks at crowley with the fondest eyes ever* 

-"you know what it's like when you don't know anything at all and yet you're totally certain that everything would be better if you were just near one particular person?" 

-"rescuing me makes him so happy" shut UP

-after aziraphale says "oh, crowley, nothing lasts forever" and crowley says "no... no i don't suppose it does" he puts his glasses back on. gahhhhh

-aziraphale still believes heaven is fundamentally good and right despite all the evidence over thousands of year proving that it isn't and ultimately choosing the system that has and continues to hurt him and crowley over the only being he's ever loved 

-even though crowley has always done the right thing regardless of what heaven or hell tells him to do, aziraphale still says "of course you turned down hell, you're the bad guys"

-"tell me you said no", "i need you", "no nightingales", "you idiot! we could have been... us"- they both are saying practically the same thing- come with me and let me take care of you, we can be together forever- and yet going about it in the worst way possible

-aziraphale wants to make crowley an angel again because the last time he saw him be truly happy was when he created the stars. ouch

-the fucking. kiss. the way aziraphale grabs at his back. the way the position of crowley's arms are creating a barrier between them despite them being so close. the way it's absolutely awful and yet so fitting. the way you can see the tears brimming in aziraphale's eyes. the way aziraphale shakily touches his lips after he leaves. the way when metatron comes in after crowley leaves aziraphale thinks it's crowley and has to turn away for a second when he sees metatron. the way i can't deal with this right now

-"i forgive you" "don't bother" 

-crowley waits for him. after all that. he only leaves after aziraphale has stepped into the elevator. and then there's the credits. oh god the credits

-in season one aziraphale says "you go too fast for me, crowley" and in season two he's too late. i'm going to be sick

-there's definitely more but these are the biggest ones that came to mind

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rex's profile picture

this new season of good omens has changed my life i cant explain it i love it sm ive gone absoulutly insane bc of this damn show. and the way that aziraphale turns away to hide himself when hes about to start crying right before the kiss, RAHHHHHHH

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cadaver ✩

cadaver ✩'s profile picture

“in season one aziraphale says "you go too fast for me, crowley" and in season two he's too late.” oh my god dude. head in my hands

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