1. ポッチ
They are super cool! From learning Japanese (much respect since it's really difficult) to her blogs!!! The profile design is immaculate!
2. Inno
Adorable profile set up (Sanrio supremacy) and anyone who likes gyaru fashion AND Roblox is super cool by default.
3. Natalie
Immaculate music taste, with a sort of classy and cute profile! The anime and manga list is something to envy (from how based it is).
A fellow Vkei Lover. They seem like a genuinely cool person from their bulletins, plus they like Malice Mizer. Listening to them is an automatic sign of epicness (I don't make the rules).
Someone with a passion for languages (languages supremacy also). His daily song bulletins are also super cool! Who doesn't like listening to new music.
JELLYFISH PROFILE! They have an especially cool movie list and cd collection. (You better watch out, I might just steal that BABYMETAL cd ngl jkjk). Their interests are just a vibe.
He has a simple but beautifully colored profile! A fellow yu-gi-oh fan!!! I haven't seen much of those fans but we need more because they are all cool.
Another fellow Vkei Fan! An adorbs pink and white profile with CATS (KITTENSSSSS) ! Also a very cool manga list!
First of all, a Kieran Valentine profile picture!!!!!! The vampire aesthetic profile is always a classic. Automatically cool since he has read the summer hikaru died.
A LAREINE fan spotted! Her pastel pink, white, blue profile is a.ma.zing! It's a vibe that I never knew could exist but it's so cool!
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oh em gee i made it!! ty ty i have layers and layers of protection on my babymetal cd however so itd be impossible also u seem rlly cool 2 id love 2 talk if u want!!
hey that's me! i'm on the list! :O